Cash may disappear by 2050…

I totally agree. In the past I would’ve been frustrated if I had received money as a cheque, since it meant a trip to the bank, but now that I try to never use cash (for the range of reasons listed in the Going Cashless thread), I now find cheque preferable for receiving money - aside from bank transfer of course. With cash, I have to visit my local Post Office and deposit it into my Starling account, whereas I can get rid of a cheque from the comfort of my own home.

I think before cheque imaging came along, cheques were seen as super dated and inconvenient, and something that we should be working towards eliminating from the banking system, but now I think they’re pretty perfect for those occasions when a bank transfer isn’t possible or when you want to give someone a physical token instead of just a digital transfer (some of my relatives like to send money in a card, and I think that’s a situation where cheques would be a great alternative).

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