Should I have a Dozens account?

  • No platform fees for investments
  • 1% p.a. bonus on cash savings up to £5,200
  • No interchange fees to Dozens, instead be part of an ‘interchange payback’ scheme. Normally financial services earn from your spending via an interchange fees. Dozens Black subscribers will know that every time they use their card, a social cause will benefit instead.
  • No commission on international currency transfers
  • Fee-free ATM cash withdrawals at home and abroad
  • Dedicated customer service line
  • Exclusive Dozens Black card
  • Early access to new features, services and products


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Black is their premium offer, as listed by @Rexx

This is potentially the most attractive part of it, but eg if you’re investing in Vanguard funds, you need to put about 40k in I think before you reach breakeven on the Black fees v Vanguard’s own platform fees.

The main problems are down to implementation

@o99 has summarised them nicely on the other place with links to the dozens forum

For me personally, these issues have made having had Black for free this year worthless

Yeah my thoughts on Invest is that it’s not the most cost effective - but there is a novelty of having it in the same app if you use spend regularly. The lack of functionality does lend itself to a buy and leave style approach as well - in a converse sort of way.

True, but there’s no point in buying below a certain threshold

Yeah I know you are right & I wouldn’t do any big bucks until they confirm their longer term cash flow position. Wouldn’t want that stress.

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Seen this - good news?

Yes, good news - in that bond holders get the interest immediately for the full term.

Yup I had some due to mature in September and August so not bad

What are we thinking about Dozens at the moment?

It’s coming up to a month since the bonds matured & and rather longer than when they’re closure was announced. The line on the forum is “if we survive” :confused:

I must say the lack of news is incentivising me to move the account down a place in my financial infrastructure (move income, perhaps leave one or two DDs that are longwinded to move, use track for some of my spending & see how things go?)

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Could have been a reference to WW3. R-

Scanning the Dozens forum, ‘AC’s level of detail and transparency is unusual to say the least. So much of what’s being said, though, hints at a company winding-up.

Hard to see a reason to become a new customer. Existing customers are being kept well informed, though, so no need to panic there, I reckon.

From my perspective, I’ve never quite understood the model - found it unnecessarily complicated.

Good luck to all, I say.

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Sounds as if Dozens are in the same place they have been in for months. No real news they can be release nor reason to worry.

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Which parts do you reckon?

Also - what did you find complicated about the proposition? The bonds?

Yes, it may be that I didn’t pay attention, but the whole bidding thing flew past me. I wasn’t in desperate need at the time - it was more that they were new on the block.

As far as viability is concerned, it’s just the language the guy is using. On the one hand he’s lauding the fact that they raised money, whilst on the other, hinting at uncertainty. I don’t get the “cleaning the books” reference in maturing bonds early, but that’s probably me.

I’m not what exactly he is saying, but he’s certainly not being hesitant with the comms.

An odd one, methinks.

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Dozens have a new app ready to go and if they don’t have to support showing the 5% bonds it makes things easier for them

I think it’s the same reason Dozens are so keen to emphasise “we are not a bank” despite other e-money institutions not doing the same…


Sad news, but not much of a surprise…

We’ve taken the decision to close Dozens, the very first brand to have come to life under Project Imagine.

Firstly, we want to reassure all our customers that your money is completely safe. As per usual, all funds are kept in segregated accounts, and all services will be fully up and running for the next two months up to 31 August 2022.

Our current shareholders continue to support the business today, throughout this transition time and the plans for the future. Project Imagine is continuing, but simply changing track to B2B for the time being, to give the long term mission the best chance of success – which means this is an orderly wind-down of the consumer side of the business, as opposed to the company going into administration.

What you need to do

Before 31 August, we need you to transfer your money to an alternative account. You don’t need to do this immediately, however we recommend you do this sooner rather than later to avoid a rush in two months’ time. We’ve published a step-by-step guide on how to transfer your money.

We appreciate this may cause some admin on your side – our team is on hand, to ensure the transition is as smooth as possible for you. You can give us a ring on 0808 164 1020 or message us on the in-app chat. The team is online Monday to Friday 09:00–18:00.

Why we’ve taken this decision

The decision to close Dozens was taken after deep consideration of many economic and business factors that inform the best strategy for achieving the social outcomes that Project Imagine was founded to pursue. In short, the world has changed significantly from the one we launched into in 2019 and the business needs to adapt accordingly to keep our long term dream alive. Please do have a read of our blog that details this thinking in depth.

Our CEO Aritra will also be taking questions on this topic over on our wearedozens community.

We’d like to thank you wholeheartedly for your support, without which we would have never got this far. You believed in the Dozens mission and backed it by entrusting this relatively small startup with your money. For that we are forever grateful.

While it’s goodbye to Dozens for now, we remain confident that one day, if the revenue is in place and the time is right, a bank that genuinely works in its customers best interests could still be a possibility in the future.

With genuine, wholehearted thanks,

The Dozens Team

Moved my salary and DD away 2 months ago & actually requested they close my account yesterday.

It was far to quiet to be keeping going.

They’re having to solve a treasury issue on my Invest account before closing - canny timing!

This felt inevitable a few months ago when they made that statement on their forum.
One less fintech.
Maybe another May pop up?
Happy with starling & Monzo for now.


Just emptied my account (all 29 pounds of it !) to my Santander account.

Another one bites the dust.

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