Account feature matrix

Looks pretty good, a nice approximation of the logo anyway!

I’ll add them later this afternoon/evening.

Co-operative bank’s logo is annoyingly awkward for small sizes. I imagine that’s why their favicon is just a £ symbol.

It may be worth trying the logo used for their app logo and social accounts and trustpilot though.

I’ve rendered them here at the size the forum uses for the logos. The text is tiny, but I think they might work.

Edit: weirdly, they look far clearer and legible in the post editor than they do in the actual post!

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Is Monese one which should go on there? No smaller than Dozens I wouldn’t have thought?


I’ve added them but I think only @Mathew can do the magic with the logo!

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@Rexx @Seb - One shiny :monese: logo, coming up!

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Amazing, the matrix looks great now!

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Bank of Scotland comes before Barclays, alphabetically. Likewise, Revolut comes before Royal Bank of Scotland.

I can see how they’ve ended up out of order if you’ve perhaps used the abbreviations, but certainly Royal Bank hasn’t been condensed down to RBS, on branches and official branding, for a few years now.

I would have no idea how to edit the wiki I’m afraid.


I can edit it for you a bit later when I’m on a computer :+1:


I’ve done that now! :+1:

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I’d love it if this table (or elsewhere) listed the daily amounts each bank will allow a customer to make via a faster payment (ideally both per payment and a daily limit).

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It’s been a little while since I’ve shown this matrix any love.

So, my aim is to try and update it over the next week-ish. Any help would be appreciated, especially with accounts or providers I don’t use.

There are a few new players to add too - I note HSBC Kinetic and Mettle are missing, so will try and get these added.