Ad Enough Of TV? You soon will have!

I can’t say I’ve seen any academic research, but many, many companies spend huge amounts of money on advertising which doesn’t tell you anything about the product (perfume adverts never ever mention what the product smells like, for example, and the current Nationwide and Halifax ads don’t tell you anything about the products they offer).

As someone once said,”Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted, I just don’t know which half.”

At the end of the day, the goal is to get the advert stick in your head in the hope you’ll but the product.

Some, however, are so ambiguous that you may remember the ad, but not necessarily the product. Seen a few like that.

I’m probably on my own here but I’m blowed if I can recall the gorilla-drumming product.

(Sorry @Mathew :flushed:).

I am sure someone up thread said it was chocolate.

I remember that ad, but alas not the product.

Yet we will all remember the Milky Bar Kid and product, I’m sure :rofl:

PG Tips and the chimps with their anecdotal quotes, a la “Do you know the piano’s on my foot?” :smile:

“ You hum it son, I’ll play it “ :joy:

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Absolutely. It was Cadbury’s. Can’t believe you don’t remember that @Graham :frowning:

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Maybe in that particular case, the imagery was so strong that it overshadowed the product. Certainly did that for me. :flushed:

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And we are still talking about it, and still talking about in in connection with Cadbury.

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