AmEx Shop Small: summer 2021

Having about 60 listed is quite good, though. It’s just bad luck that you are going to use any of them soon, at least Amex are trying.

It seems like they do detect which shops you are using, and try to send you offers for them.

For example, about 9 months ago I bought some stuff from Holland & Barrett. A month later I was browsing the offers tab and spotted them in there. I was going to buy some more stuff anyway, so I used the offer and I got some money off the second time. It could be coincidence, but I think they had picked up that I had shopped with them before, so presented that offer to me.

Only ones they linked to from my shopping data were Morrisons and ATG Tickets.

Earned £2.11 from the Morrisons offer and 99p from ATG.

Earth shattering amounts that enthuse me to continue using the product :rofl:

I’m pretty sure it’s coincidence, I have never even used my card near a H&B but get offers for them consistently

Check your Offers folks.

I’ve had Amazon appear.

Spend £20 at and get £5 credit.

Promotion says its been sent to selected customers and 45,000 available.

I saved offer to card and then just topped up my Gift Card balance via AmEx and it seems to have accepted it.

Waiting to see if credit appears :crossed_fingers:

Head for Points says this may be limited to the Amex Platinum Cashback card.

I have the Amex Platinum Everyday card.

No Amazon offer for me. The only one I’d use at the moment is the 50% back from Craft Gin Club, but I’m stingy af and thinking why’d I spend £20 on gin (and other bits) when I get gin from Tesco for £16 :laughing:

My £5 credit for the Amazon offer has appeared in my app now.

Backdated to 25 May, day after the transaction.

So a simple top up works :+1: