Peter_G created this poll originally on the Monzo community and I thought it would be interesting to capture the perceptions of folks elsewhere where there’s likely to be less of a bias towards Monzo.
It covers the three key app only banks with a current account. The other option is there if you feel someone else beats them in a specific category. If you vote for Other, let us know who in the replies!
Which bank has the best app?
Not interest rates, not features, just best app. Think design, think responsiveness…
- Chase
- Monzo
- Starling
- Other
Which bank has the best feature set?
Not the app, not interest rates, just features. Think cheque imaging, think pots, think budgeting…
- Chase
- Monzo
- Starling
- Other
Which bank has the best rates?
Not the app, not features, just the best commercial offering. Think interest rates, think fees and charges…
- Chase
- Monzo
- Starling
- Other
Which bank has the best customer service?
Not the app, not features, not rates, just excellent service. Think response time, helpfulness, ability to resolve issues first time…
- Chase
- Monzo
- Starling
- Other
- Don’t know
Finally, what you gonna do?
- Switch to Chase from Monzo
- Switch to Chase from Starling
- Rinse Chase for their offers but not move
- Do nothing
- Do something else (explain below!)
I’ll be incrementally moving over to Chase from Lloyds. But tough, really, as Lloyds have done nothing wrong.
Have had accounts with all three. Starling did little to light my interest. Chase didn’t offer a lot bar gimmicks at the time & due to circumstances changing the interest rate isn’t much of a consideration to me now either.
I used to use Monzo day in day out, but I prefer to use two e-money accounts as my Current Accounts now - find their offerings far more interesting
I voted that I’d do something else as my “main banking”, such as it is, isn’t currently with any of the big three fintechs - although I do have accounts with all of them.
I am using Chase a lot currently, for the 1% cashback and round-up account (rounding up doesn’t appeal to me much per se, but 5% interest does) so I will continue using them. However, I won’t move any more of my banking across unless there is an incentive to do so.
I find slight loading delays on the Chase app to be an irritation and I don’t generally contact support very much, so that was difficult to rate, but I voted Chase as I did have a positive interaction with them shortly after I’d first opened my account.
I opened an account with Chase but haven’t used it. I closed my Monzo account years ago and do all my banking with Starling. I was tempted to use Chase for the cashback, but I get cashback from my Amex. Now I can add Direct Debits, I’ll probably take advantage of a switching offer (where you’re required to transfer at least a couple of DDs) and then switch that to Starling.
Currently can’t get chase but will reevaluate when I can in December.
I had gone full NatWest but reopened Monzo in December. Trends is cool but I’m not 100pc sure the rest is.
I’ll probably either stick to Monzo/NatWest for now, though HSBC for the select and cover is tempting
It’s nice that you can do direct debits from the ‘savings accounts’, so may do that for mortgage to offset a bit, as I keep my mortgage cash a few months ahead (when I can!)