Council Tax

i.e. poor people only have themselves to blame… :man_facepalming:

Not worth engaging with him. Can’t see the real world from mum’s basement


Presumably “non-wasteful” as defined by you.

Or maybe they should just have tried harder at school

Indeed - poor people only have themselves to blame and should have tried harder at school.

I am sure every single penny he’s earned has been from the sweat of his brow.

I live on my own !

Stock investments and 6 years of service sector at barely minimum wage. I just spent wisely.

Yes, and I am sure those stocks just magically manifested themselves

I bought them with the money from my minimum wage service sector job

It’s a terrible system and as a (currently) single person I pay 75% of what the couple/family or HMO pays in the same band. I’m effectively subsiding those groups.

Personally, think that a local income tax would be better and/or a tax directly on property ownership (the asset) rather than occupancy like Council Tax

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Totally, education is an investment in the children and your society - it’s called human capital.

I can also see the value in providing free pre-school education too. You also save money in the long run as those families/single parents are able to work and pay tax rather than provide childcare.


Would you go back to a poll tax system instead?

Indeed. Like Sure Start.

This gives added flexibility, as it could be converted to a first charge on the property above retirement age, paid on disposal or decease.

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