First Direct - General chat

Not really, I think I haven’t received anything for over a year and my main account is with FD

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I have managed to get someone on chat.
They have said it has been enabled, but if I do not use the app in 90 consecutive days, I will receive paper statements again.

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Such a strange and inexplicable preoccupation with paperwork. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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And…. I’m on the app every day. I can see I’ll have to call. R-

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I’m with FD - it’s no longer my main account, but I run funds through it every month to service DDs that I haven’t yet transferred, and I couldn’t tell you the last time I got any paper from them. If I haven’t logged in for a while, I get an email saying “Your latest statement is now available for you to view … it’s important you check your statements regularly”. I don’t make a point of logging in when I get that, but maybe I do it enough to hit the 90 day threshold.

My salary is paid into FD, I can’t remember the last time I had any paper statements or anything else relating to the current account from them, it must have been years ago. I do get the mortgage statement they send by post once a year.

I’ve heard through the grapevine that FD are planning to drop the forex charges on their Gold credit card.

Not sure what the plan is for cash transactions - i.e. copy Clarity / Zero model (immediate interest only) or Barclaycard Reward model (interest if not paid in full)

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