I really do not like this click bait journalism. £80k was the total amount of which £17k was refunded after a day and £20k after two months.
£43k doesn’t have as nice a ring to it as £80k does it?
How are banks supposed to protect people who give away access to their accounts and money?
The perennial question, but it’s not the story in this case.
A story is exactly what it is. If the article was trimmed down to facts and useful information it would be significantly shorter.
Banks to put four-day hold on suspicious payments Bank transfers could be delayed for four days to investigate fraud - BBC News
Great, that’s me moving my savings away from Chase while I can!
Won’t all banks be doing it though? R-
Yes, but Chase are by far the worst at blocking transfers out of my savings accounts and asking me to call them, even when it’s to my own account at another bank (and has been done multiple times).
I was once withdrawing some money to lend to my sister (which she was going to pay back two days later) for a deposit on a car. Chase blocked it and interrogated me for over 30 minutes on what make the car was, where it was being purchased from, etc. When I got irritated they said “It’s all for your own safety”. Way over the top.
It’s a difficult one.
My old folks were in Santander recently and the staff said that number of local people had been told that the branch was ‘compromised’ to pursuade them to move savings out for safeguarding.
Apparently one person had transferred funds and another almost gave them a latge amount cash but was stopped doing so only by supermarket staff.