General thread about Monzo :)

I disagree with your definition of fairness, unless you’re advocating for banks to hand on literally all the many occasional charges they’re on the hook for? I.e. contact support, card issuance, cheque deposit, faster payments/standing orders, fraud/chargebacks - these aren’t free to current account providers either… it’d essentially make free banking an impossibility.

With any financial product there will always be some customers who will be more profitable by whatever measure than others - that’s not a ‘fairness’ issue tho.

Fairness for the customer is knowing their bank will deal with the occasional stuff which costs them money on the mutual understanding that money will be made elsewhere. FUP/limits would be one thing, but charging for every deposit over the same counter where all* their competitors allow a reasonable amount of free deposits is a bad look.

(* excluding Nationwide, Chase and Kroo, obviously)

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