Is amex more hassle than it's worth?

That’s where it’s likely to be rejected. And some restaurants/cafes, and market stalls. Supermarkets that are part of a chain now accept more than previously, though some places have a minimum spend (€10/20) to do so.

Just got 5% cashback from using AmEx for ticket purchase from ATG.

This is the sole way I earn money from American Express now. The Offers.

I find acceptance is much better these days than it used to be. Incidentally, my barber accepts it and is part of the “Shop Small” promotion, so once or twice a year I get a fiver cashback when I get my hair cut :slight_smile:


A barber who takes any form of card payment is rare enough, but Amex…


I once went into a barbers that proudly proclaimed “We don’t take card, but we do take cash & Dogecoin” :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Shop Small is actually one of the offers that really irritates me with Amex. The map showing eligible merchants includes many which won’t accept Amex, and the POS material Amex provide to merchants seems to be spread about, meaning seeing an ‘Amex Shop Small’ sign in a merchant’s window does not mean anything with regards to Shop Small.

It’s a total goose chase, unless you want to spend hours chasing Customer Service who do eventually (normally) do the right thing.

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I’ve actually paid at a restaurant which had the shop small signs everywhere - only for the transaction to post with a different merchant name - Amex then refused to rectify it after the 90 days.

Report them, I do. They’re required to inform American Express if they won’t take it.

One store near me had the sticker in the window to draw people in but refused to take it. Left all my stuff at the till and reported him to AmEx later that day.

They chase these things if they know about it. They can’t do anything if they don’t.

I have done but I’m not convinced it makes any difference. Life’s too short to chase fivers ultimately.

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I just opened a second Halifax Reward account. Five minutes work a month to earn a £5 without the hassle of minimum spends and business participation :smile:

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Yep - Halifax is a guddon. Works every time for me and my fiancée x6.

TSB became a case of chasing them every month for it so I gave up with that. Same with Amex Shop Small - I activate the offer but I don’t let it influence me at all. Last time I activated I got 1 reward, from a branch of Wimpy of all places.

My attitude is changing now I’m seeing the cashback rolling in :joy:

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I tend to always have a 2nd card with my Amex anyhow.
Think issues years ago with Monzo and starling taught me this the hard way.

I’ve not used Amex in Europe as I’m struggling to see the benefits? Unless I’ve read it wrong euro transactions are changed to dollars then into pounds.

I have seen acceptance increase the local chippy accepts it. The coal merchant doesn’t :slightly_frowning_face: most other purchases are with national or international brands so always accepted.

I’ve not encountered too many places that don’t accept it. Adobe and Steam being the first that spring to mind, but Paypal works ok as an intermediary. Supermarkets, takeaways etc all seem fine with it.

This Paypal intermediary - how does this this work?

Add Amex card to PayPal.

Select PayPal as form of payment, then select Amex on PayPal.

There used to be quite a lot of retailers where this was a useful workaround but it’s only really Screwfix where I do this now.

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I think First Bus is the only place I can think of doing it now myself (I don’t shop at ScrewFix) but like… express transport is more convenient so I stopped caring about it when cashback became a thing

For all you point chasers and frequent fliers out there:

Is that not more specific to fans of Avios and London Airways?
Transiting via LHR is a ghastly experience that I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy.


The offer itself seems very geared towards high spenders, not your average Joe.