
Messing around with this currently, though only GIA > Cash > Vault @4.84% (QMMF).

Anyone got flags to wave - either red or green?

Web seems to have gone quiet since 2021/22 reviews, despite company’s recent moves.

They sponsored Pensioncraft’s latest video on money market funds. They sound interesting, but I’m wary of fancy apps that aim to disrupt these days, particularly with investments. I don’t want them to do a Freetrade. I want an investment platform to move slowly and fix things.

It’s the same reason I don’t bother with Trading212 or eToro. :rofl:

Exactly! That’s at least an orange flag for me too.

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Well, we’ll see what their Support team’s like now: I sent funds over but forgot to add the GIA account reference, so I’ve asked them to get the incoming at their end redirected to my account…

In case anyone’s wondering, the funds just turned up in my GIA.
Absolutely no response to my mails to Support though, which is a bit concerning …