Metro Bank

I tried closing a savings account online but could not find the option, I had to go to a branch.

Always an option tbf. Regularly near one in Birmingham. Well, once a month or so :rofl:

Thanks Breezy, thatā€™s the first I heard of it. Looks like a good instant access to add to the collection. As long as the rate lasts and they stay afloat.

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Itā€™s kinda easy peasy, lemon squeezy.

Just write to their HO, your account holding branch/any branch. Itā€™s a pretty standard thing in banking before the interweb.

Thereā€™s been a few reports on the MSE forum about issues opening it, such as having to apply as new customer, even if existing. Also, minimum opening balance of Ā£500, but unclear if minimum operating balance is same figure :man_shrugging:

Just as a heads up

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It was pretty standard, but you shouldnā€™t have to spend money to close an account, whether it be only the cost of a second class stamp or not :man_shrugging:

Itā€™s not a fintech.

IMO going into a branch or providing it in writing isnā€™t unreasonable.

Stamp, piece of paper, envelope and a biro or some toner :+1:

I have a branch in my town center, I could not waste my 75p beer money on them.

Dread to think what that tastes like :scream:

Beat me to it :joy:

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Maybe itā€™s a good beer, but just a thimble full?

8 beers at Ā£4.99 from Beer52 :rofl:

Ah, the company that allows 15-year-old children to order wine online and sign up for a monthly subscription!

Very recommended :man_facepalming:

DO people actually subscribe for the monthly plans? The few times I used it it was only trials and cancel immediately

I have just realised that there were no ID checks or age verification.

Wish I knew about this at 15 :joy:

And cold calls you to sell boxes of wine/beer or subjects you to the Spanish Inquisition when you call to cancel.

I tend to sign up when I see a deal for 3/4 wines for really, really cheap but then always regret it when it comes to cancelling.

This is where my son came unstuck, as Beer52 insist that you call to cancel. Needless to say, I just sent them a message pointing out the error of THEIR ways, ie. no ID checks, and that he obviously does not want to purchase any more. They were actually a birthday present for his mom :smile:

Anyway, none of this has anything to do with Metro Bank, so maybe time to call halt here :stop_sign: :rofl:

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