Moneybox, and Shawbrook Bank's 0.25% Simple Saver

Don’t know about any of you, but I will not be rushing to a Simple Saver that allows one withdrawal per calendar month for 0.25%, while the likes of Atom and Marcus are offering 0.50% and 0.40% respectively.

Atom and Marcus transfers are also instant and not Next Working Day

Sounds like the old Monzo Marketplace offerings (Next Working Day), bar the one withdrawal per calendar month criteria.

Yup. Not seeing the point of this unless you’ve somehow filled up your £85k with both Atom and Marcus.

Atom and Marcus offer more interest. Unlimited and quick withdrawals.


I’ve recently taken everything out of Moneybox. I was mainly using it for a LISA but that’s been used now.

Same here. It was a DD for a current account, however, I CASS to Halifax for £100 incentive and no DDs required, so it can go now.

I think I’ve £0.69 and something else in another from interest after I’ve moved everything. I’ll just leave it sat there and uninstall the app :sweat_smile:


If you ask them they’ll donate it to charity.


I’ll attempt that some point this week

So, deposit £85k, and get a grand total of £212.50 interest per annum (£17.71 a month). Woo, and indeed hoo.

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Speaking of the Halifax incentive, do you think closing my active Halifax account then switching over my Nationwide Graduate account would work? :sneezing_face:

I wouldn’t be a customer anymore + I haven’t recieevd a bonus since April 2020

Edit: nvm past 4th of May :cry: