Monzo notifications have stopped

Morning all

I’m hoping the wise and wonderful here can help shed a bit of light on an issue with Monzo.

I use the account to pay a number of direct debits for the business, but don’t actively keep money in there. When I know how much the DD is for, I’ll transfer it in. In the past I’ve always received a notification a day or two before any money is taken so I can top it up, but this has stopped recently and resulted in a failed DD.

All notification settings are on, nothing has been changed. I did reach out to Monzo to see if anything needs to be changed, but they just said “maybe you were offline”, although I thought that I’d just get the notifications when I was back online?

Any suggestions appreciated. I’m not overly familiar with the Monzo app, so hoping maybe someone here knows something I don’t :eyes:

(1) Monzo app ‘Home’ → Tap on Profile Pic → Tap on Settings → Tap on Notifications → Ensure at least ‘Transactions and payments’ is enabled. If it is, disable and enable it again. You can also try…

(2) (This is for Android, may differ for iOS): App info (usually long press on the app icon to get to it’s ‘Info’) → Permissions → Ensure ‘Notifications’ are allowed. If they are…

(3) Uninstall the Monzo app → Restart your device (important) → download/install/login to the Monzo app → Ensure both of the above settings are still enabled, then wait & check for notifications. This routine usually clears random issues.

Good luck!

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Thanks @davidwalton!

All settings were on already, so I’ve done the uninstall and reinstall and will see how it goes when something happens :crossed_fingers:

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Pretty sure that I’ve only received advance notifications for DDs if the amount is different from the previous month. They do show a couple of working days before in the transaction list, though.

I usually get a notification if there’s not enough money in the account, which because of the way I use it, is always always.

Do they give notification for failed DDs?

I had a failed DD notification once, using a Monzo Joint account, due to a [cough] funds miscalculation. It popped up first thing and informed I could put money in by 4pm to allow the DD payment to go through on the same day. The DD was then paid almost instantly when I put the funds in.

This was several years ago though, notification triggers may have changed since then.

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