Neobank with USD account needed!

I am looking for Neobanks where I could open a USD account. Other needed features: being able to upload funds with debit or credit card. And the availability of a card from the neobank itself (real plastic card). Something like Wise or Revolut, but I need a third one. Any that you could recommend? Most I find only offer EUR accounts.

Does it have to be a neobank?
If not, how about HSBC Global Money?


Yes, Neobank only.

Bit odd, is there any particular reason you’d specifically need a third Neobank that isn’t Wise/Revolut, when both offer the aforementioned features?

As far as I know, the only other similar product out there is HSBC Global Money…

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Zen is worth a try. The card is very nice. So is the app. Unless something has changed recently, it isn’t free though.

Edit: it does have a free tier now, but a physical card isn’t included. You get a virtual one which you can add to Apple Pay or use online. For a physical card it’s €0.90 per month. Comes with other features too.


I became restricted at Wise recently. I need a replacement. Revolut is good but I only use that for purchase transactions to avoid restrictions.