Octopus Energy

It is just funny that my specific post code is on the list but Octopus always say I can not get a smart meter at my post code.
The one that was there previously run by BG went dumb.

Super cool idea. I’ve been saying for a long time now that greenery needs to come via innovation and I feel like this hits the mark - free energy for people in a reason to move to an all-renewables supplier

Octopus appear to have a partnership with Coutts

Don’t know how I feel about that.

Coutts customers are famously canny savers.

I’m not sure how recent it is. Could have existed for years idk

They also have an overall NatWest partnership. Guessing the Coutts one is tailored because they’re more likely to own comparatively expensive electric cars meanwhile NatWest customers are more likely to want the £100

What the heck kind of a link is that?

@Recchan - I’ve DM’d you.

Looks like it’s not just Coutts. It’s the whole NatWest group

Fixed it, a Python REPL session later and .replace (%20 → a space) and all better

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Look like Octopus are branching into Rewards

Isn’t that a broadband provider?

And given octopus have bought their way into that market now too, I’d expect a cease and desist over that branding.

Edit: checked my app, and I have that tab now too. But for me it just displays an error. Which is to be expected, because that’s par for the course with my experience as an octopus customer so far. Their app and website barely work.

Just checked my app and I’ve got the tab, too, and it works fine. I haven’t actually opted in yet, though.

I am getting a blank screen. iOS 17.0.3,. Is it for certain tariffs only as I had seen some people allege on Reddit? I am on Tracker.

Octopus have already been in it for a while, they own Gigabit who trade as Cuckoo Broadband among others.

For clarity, when I said Octopus I was referring specifically to Octopus Energy (the company this topic is about) who are subsidiary of Octopus Group. Not the larger parent of the group who also own a handful of broadband providers like Giganet (and their subsidiary, Cuckoo), through some other nested subsidiaries separate from Octopus Energy Group.

But when I say Octopus (energy) recently bought their way into the broadband sector, I’m referring to Octopus Energy’s acquisition of Shell Energy Broadband.

And @davidwalton kindly pointed out earlier that I was thinking of Octaplus broadband. I’m not personally convinced a one letter difference would be enough to dissuade a potential trademark dispute over it though, given how they’re both broadband providers now.

In that case, for added clarity, it’s probably worth mentioning that it’s not at all a forgone conclusion that Octopus Energy intends to hold on to that newly purchased asset for themselves and run it under the Octopus brand name. They could do that, or they could find another brand name, or transfer it to another group division, or simply sell it.

It’s likely given the fact they have already owned at least shares in consumer ISPs for quite a while that they intend to use it, but really who knows. Shell needed a buyer for the whole lot and found such a buyer in Octopus.

You’re right, the acquisition hasn’t been approved yet, but Octopus Energy have committed to Shell’s broadband customers too, so assuming it gets approval from the regulator, the broadband arm will be apart of octopus energy, at least for a while.

Given the structure of the group. Offloading them to a separate nested subsidiary of their shared parent would be a logistical nightmare and incredibly tedious, that the sensible thing to do would be for Octopus Energy to be broadband provider.

And that’s before we get into the fact that Fern Trading is exclusively their own FTTP-only networks. Shell Energy’s broadband is your more traditional A/VDSL running on BT or TalkTalk wholesale. Those customers largely won’t be compatible with Fern Trading’s broadband business. And I don’t see that changing given they’ve only just a month ago re-focussed cuckoo as the consumer arm reselling only their FTTP services.

If Octopus don’t keep the broadband arm, it’ll more likely be sold to another broadband supplier than shifted over to Fern Trading/Cuckoo.

Wouldn’t it make more sense for shell broadband to go to kraken utilities. After all that’s the platform Octopus made for broadband and water?

That’s what it says when researching cuckoo ?