Other Fintech Forum Moderation

Besides I can prove I am not.

I’ve never used Frauded in any context until now :stuck_out_tongue:


I don’t but I am really curious as to who you might think I am now :smiley:

I just went back to find some examples, proved difficult as they seem to have more flags than @anon46977588 now when you look around, most likely due to the use of emojis


This really isn’t the thread for it but I just wanted to chime in and reply to your post to say that my local hospital has replaced its NHS flag with the same exact variant that I think you’re referring to, and I take issue with it over the traditional style for exactly the same reasons I believe you do (supposed ‘inclusivity’ though direct exclusion isn’t the kind of symbolism I support). So I concur with ‘Monzo not being alone in that’.

Edit: I’ve never actually read the thread on this topic over on the Monzo Community before, but I skimmed it just now and there are some fantastic points by @N26throwaway @lpoolrob @anon47616136 @tbutz @HoldenCarver and many others. I’ve also learnt that the symbol originated from a money-making Kickstarter and has to be commercially licensed for use by companies, while claiming to put an ‘emphasis on inclusion and progress’. I don’t believe labelling people more and focussing on certain characteristics that in an ideal world I personally don’t think should matter at all is progressive or inclusive. That seems so incredibly antithetical to the true cause that it hurts. Starting to think symbolism is generally a really shit idea, since it’ll inevitably be guided in a less than honourable direction by those looking to make a quick buck or divide and polarise us. Anyway, rant over - sorry.


I think an explanation was promised but all we got in the end was radio silence. Way to open old wounds, @N26throwaway :laughing:

But again, it goes to show that the appearance matters most

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not only did they do that via the community but they also deleted the thread after the fact

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Isn’t this it? Monzo and the Pride flag - Feedback & Ideas - Monzo Community

Ah ok, didn’t realise there was another thread where Monzo themselves asked the Community which flag they wanted.

The idea of them having a poll on which symbol of ‘representation’ they should use, and then when the Community votes for the ‘wrong answer’ in the minds of the Monzo execs they just decide that actually representation (of the Community at least) doesn’t matter at all and barrage their way through anyway makes me laugh and despair in equal measure. It screams ‘democracy is fine… when they agree with me’.


I need to find the link I have bookmarked but I was certain this was one of the ones Richard deleted. I could be wrong, I’ll redact if I am

On the topic of Monzo Community moderation antics. The gang have moved over to reddit. Someones had their account closed today and are talking about it on Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/monzo/comments/ngxsuf/2_years_with_monzo/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3

That whole episode really embodies to me what is wrong with Monzo: the hypocrisy, fakeness, pretensions.


I saw that post about an hour or so after it was posted and it’s already attracted over 60 comments.

Monzo should sit back and take a look. Whinging about account closures has now shifted to another platform, but then most of us guessed it probably would anyway. When they reopen the forum, unless they have a plan and a process in place that auto filters out specific words or phrases associated with anything account closure related, the forum will once again become the main vent. Let’s see how well that goes.

This dude was with Monzo for two years and had recently just signed up for plus too :eyes:

Only one account too having shut down all other accounts as Monzo is the future


Jesus christ that was as tiring to read as expected. Why do discussions on how society can get along all too often end up becoming the least civil? I think I’m going to go and live out a peaceful existence in a cave now!

If these account closures are because people aren’t profitable then that’s disappointing but I presume we will never know.

I like that someone referred to Monzo and Starling as high end digital banking! :joy:


Pure speculation of course, but if this did have something to do with some of the recent account closures (there seemed to possibly be a worrying correlation at one point between people who had recently signed up for Universal Credit and their accounts being closed) then Monzo’s entire self-proclaimed ethos isn’t worth the website it’s posted on. Also funny is this quote from a user in the thread @Johnny linked to above:

Monzo a ‘political act’, eh? Crikey, that’s even more worrying :joy:

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You’ve been spending too much time with @graham! :rofl:

Edit: actually thinking about his catch phrase might be blimey!

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The Reddit thread is infuriating. Thick fuckers.

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Oops - found out. (Don’t even know where that came from. Chekhov, most likely :roll_eyes:).