Other Fintech Forum Moderation

I’d say the trolling is still happening. That’s a lot of closed threads…

It’s happening again :roll_eyes:

Or rather the locking will recommence if the flagging keeps going the way it is.

Trolls won.


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That’s crazy :man_facepalming:


I have to admit, that one even surprised me.

Some :bell: decided to make an account called MonzoBot and started trolling, that’s what’s triggered it.

I did until I thought no MonzoBot can’t do this stuff. Clicked it, new account just created :sweat_smile:

It is a shame to see the Monzo forum go into read-only mode, but things obviously became a little bit heated over there for it to happen.

But there are other forums with moderators too :man_shrugging: That’s what this thread is about, right? Moderation on other fintech forums, not Monzo forum criticism? Let’s move it on a bit :wink:


Risky decision by Monzo forum to shutter all discussion on their own forum while a link to this forum is so prominent on their homepage:

Reckon we’ll see a few Monzo exile signups as a result. Hopefully not the trolls…


I don’t think I’ve ever seen Monzo put the entire forum in to read only mode before, other than short periods while they update the software.

Are they beginning to lose patience with it?

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If you see anything untoward, just flag it :slight_smile:

How does everyone find the moderation approach on places like Tymit, Dozens, Freetrade, and so on?

Basically just burn the place down with fire if they arrive :fire:

I don’t think they will though, just move on to other targets

It’s easy to get bogged down with talk on Monzo’s community given that it’s the most active of all the fintech forums (I think). Especially with the incidents that have taken place today.

I do also want to discuss one community, that thus far in the thread hasn’t been touched upon, and that’s Freetrade’s. Freetrade is probably the place I most actively lurk, and I actually think they’re far more hostile to outsiders than Monzo’s is. Their actual employees seem to perpetuate this stuff at times too. I like Freetrade, but I don’t think their community paints them in a good light.

Atom Bank’s Kitchen is a nice little place though. It’s not open to everyone though, so it’s members were invited. It’s quite slow and mostly inactive, but it’s a very chill and respectful place. Only has three moderators, but all are Atom employees and they engage and interact with the community very well and play a big role in keeping the conversations flowing. Atom do control what can be discussed though, so users can’t create their own discussions.

I hope so. Incidents like today make me detest the place. But there are a lot of decent folks with whom I enjoy engaging on there, and I’d rather not let the occasional disappointing moderation action nor trolls spoil the rest of my experience.

I think we’re at a crossroads though, where Monzo are either going to have to start making time for that place, or close it down. The fact staff actually had to intervene this time and put it into read only mode really hits that point home for me.


I have a massive block list of people on my account over there. I tend to not click the button to uncover the post to see what it says. On the rare occasion I have I’ve soon learned my lesson, rolled by eyes and vowed never too look again

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We’ve had a few sign ups, but not many (stats here).

We’ll try to be fair with everyone, but if we have to step in, we will. I want this to be a community people can enjoy

We just ask people to be kind, and help be our eyes by flagging anything that needs attention.


I hope that most (if not all) on here would see debate rather than arguments, disagreements as constructive and not personal.
That way we should all be able to have a bloody good time and not offend or be offended by anyone.


That’s all you can ask.

I genuinely feel this place is off to a good start so I think it’ll be fine


Wouldn’t be surprised, but we need to avoid becoming a Monzo-bashing forum.

Nothing stopping us hosting threads on Monzo as a product, but ongoing poking at them or the forum won’t do us credit.


Hello there! That decision was terrible by Richard and made me sign up here… seems they don’t want the free support the community offers, after all