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What happened to Charlie on the starling forum? Is there some juicy goss?

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Possibly the same as happened to the rest of usā€¦.:flushed:

Not quite witness protection but itā€™s taken me a while to rejoin any such financial forums :sweat_smile:
That place got messy towards the end and tbh I think they did the right thing for the business at the time, but Starling forum goers were certainly passionate :wink:


Did something bad go down in the end days? The Starling forum was one that I only ever had a brief look at once or twice in the very early days, but never frequently lurked like I did with some of the other fintech communities.

Ha. This thread does look like itā€™s indicating such, doesnā€™t it?

But no, the forum was shut down pretty much overnight following a flurry of chat which included some negativity. Frankly, I donā€™t recall the detail, though I think there was essentially a level of criticism which Starling found unpalatable.

It was a shame, because there was also a really healthy dialogue between members and Starling developers where features were discussed and, Iā€™m convinced, where positive changes to the app resulted.

And then it was goneā€¦ā€¦.


You can always check out their dev Slack, itā€™s pretty good and theyā€™re chill :starling:

Itā€™s a nice little way to communicate with their dev team. Iā€™ve been there for a while and found it very useful :slightly_smiling_face:


hi!! i come from the monzo forums (some of u may know me) :slight_smile: i am mostly interested in decentralised banking/finance (I find it fascinating to see what sort of financial products people create when given the means to create them)


Hi all, regular forum user here from way back when everything had a forum (remember when forums had closing times? :grin: ) , and I work in IT Security as an Engineer.

Iā€™m generally interested in making my money work a bit harder, and following along with developments in the industry. It helps me keep track of whatā€™s going on when my head is too far into the weeds in my actual job. Like @bee above, I seem to have dawdled in from the Monzo side of things, but I donā€™t keep all my eggs in their basket. :wink:


Hi all, Iā€™ve been on the Monzo and Curve communities for a long while. Itā€™s great to be here.


Good morning, @patrice58, welcome indeed. :relieved:


Good morning @Graham howā€™s things? I see youā€™ve stopped, or at least showed down considerably posting in the usual places, I can now see why. :grin:


Good morning all,

Iā€™ve been part of other forums but my first time here. So many topics to catch up on.


Hey all, just joined. Itā€™s been pleasure to read some of the knowledgeable posts here.


Welcome aboard @rolandka


Welcome @rolandka! Welcome to Fintech Forum! :slight_smile:

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