The Zopa current account…

Just received this email announcing the Zopa account in beta form. I’m assuming it’s already out there (I’m sure I saw it mentioned on the Monzo forum).

(If there’s appetite for it, we could combine the Savings & Credit card topics into one Zopa thread).

It’s been out on invite only for a while now. Gives access to a 7.5% fixed regular saver then :+1:

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It’s been discussed a lot in the Zopa thread and the cards thread on the Monzo forum. I’ve had the invite but don’t see the point, to be honest. I believe that they don’t support BACS payments yet, so most people won’t be able to have their salaries paid in.

The debit card looks like somebody threw up a Jackson Pollock painting…

The current account itself may be of little use but the 7.5% regular saver is good as is 2% cashback (capped at £30 per year) on ANY direct debits.


It does indeed appear modest right now, though one might expect the features to expand as they mature. The regular saver doesn’t look shabby but they never do, do they?

Anyway, good luck to them.

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From what I can gather, the Regular Saver does not even have its own account number and sort code, it’s just another “pot” inside the Smart Saver, just like their ISA offering.

Anyway, after my experience of their awful customer service I have no intention of even trying for these products.


Pretty sure you’re right.

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If you want to be able to automate deposits into the Regular Saver Pot (or any Zopa Pot) direct from an external bank I think you can probably use Zopa’s auto-save feature. This is based on open banking connection to external bank rather than a traditional transfer from external bank.

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