Who do you use as a main bank?

Intrigued who everyone uses as their kinda main bank.

I’m sure this has become a movable feast of late. A common tale on here is around changing the main account.

Whilst not burning too many boats (or is it bridges ? :thinking:), I’m currently using Algbra heavily for the 1.5% cashback. Not huge returns but I can max it out if I put my mind to it.

(Salary goes into Chase and I load Algbra from there).

(NHS Pension goes into a very sedate Starling account). Their Euro account is useful, too.

I’m using HSBC Premier as my main current account (i.e. pensions are paid in and DDs paid out). For day-to-day spending I use Amex and Monzo Flex.

Also have RBS (Child & Co.), Starling, Monzo and Chase but rarely use them now.

How about you, Manda?

Starling for everything re everyday banking. I also have Revolut, Wise and Virgin Money accounts but they are currently unused.

Savings with Premium Bonds, Chip (easy access), Raisin (1 year fixed rate bond) and Virgin (cash ISA).

Lloyds main current account. Money for daily expenses kept in Kroo and spent with Chase for the cashback.

Full Starling (still :slight_smile: ).


Starling and after using other banks lately I have a feeling I’ll be with them forever!

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Chase for the current account
RBS (C&C) for paying in cash
Wise if I need to send money to my Chinese payment stuff, through my friend’s account
Savings with Chase too

Nationwide Joint account: for all home expenses/utilities/food etc

Chase: main personal expenses account where salary is paid into

TSB: brand new spend/saver account where my pension gets paid into. I won’t be making use of the saver account as its rate is poor

Algbra: personal spend account for the cashback, easy to use and fund

I personally don’t keep dormant accounts as I can’t see the point myself. If I’m not using them, I dump them.

I use

HSBC for my main
Amex for spend
Tide and Pleo for my company

Can’t say I have a MAIN account, as such, as I use multiple current accounts, each with their own specific purpose.

Define main :thinking::man_shrugging:

I define it as the account I use to receive my income and pay DDs and SOs. I’ve never really got the point of spreading these functions between different accounts.


I can honestly say that I don’t define one particular account as a ‘main’ account because like you I also use different accounts for different functions.


… earning (very easy) money.

Between us my fiancée and I earn £48 in net rewards (6 x Halifax, 3 x RBS, 3 x Natwest), £5-8 in net Santander 123 Cashback, free Disney+ and 2 magazine subs from Lloyds. This is every month, so you’re looking at over £600/year, in cash, unrelated to spend.

(In actual fact the true figure once you factor in other bits we don’t necessarily get every month, like Nectar converted from Avios from Barclays Premier, same for Barclaycard, Nectar from Amex, TSB Spend & Save etc the number is more like £800-1000/year).

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For me, it’s the account I primarily spend from! The account that receives my income pretty much just sits there for the purpose of paying bills and distributing my money elsewhere.

It’s the other accounts that I actually spend my time using.

Right now, this would be Chase.


I’ve been using Algbra more than Chase lately for personal spending using Apple Pay purely for the 1.5% cashback. I literally swing back and forth all over the place, so there’s definitely no main account as such.


I use Algbra a bit, but for me, they’re not ready for prime time yet. When they are, they could quite easily take Chase’s place.


And won’t be, for me, until they have a full banking license. Meanwhile, I’ll take the 1.5% cashback.


Great, if it works for you. Far too messy for me - I need to keep things fairly simple for health reasons (mental and physical).


Sure, but that’s ‘the point’. And if you view it the other way to not do that would be a £600+/year choice for me.