Changes to Starling "Spaces"

The layout within Spaces has been updated, and each Goal now has its own transaction list. Adding and subtracting money from a Goal is now more traditional, and less animated.

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What do you mean by this exactly?

Did it used to have fancy eye candy animations and now it doesn’t? I.E. less gamification? If so that’s a shame IMO. I love little touches like that.

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I don’t use Spaces so I’m not sure what they’ve done and how it compares with before. However, many people are complaining about the changes in the iOS App Store.

Essentially, Spaces work as they always have. You can move money out of your main balance into a separate “pot”. You earn interest on your overall account balance, including Spaces. Also, any money in Spaces is considered if you’re overdrawn, e.g. if your main balance is -£50 but you have £75 in a Space, you won’t incur interest.

The changes they have made are mostly aesthetic and how you move money into and out of Spaces has also changed. Personally, I don’t like the changes and much prefer the old look and how money moved in and out.


Although many have criticised the Starling app, I have always liked it’s simplicity.
I do find the extra info (transaction lists, etc) unnecessary.

Just my own thoughts, I expect others do like the extra features.


I wouldn’t have minded them adding recent transactions to the Spaces screen, though it’s not something I’d personally find useful. What I really don’t like is moving money in and out - it used to be so simple, now it’s an extra screen with extra clicks, just looks awful.


The redesign allows you to add a note and/or an attachment to a Space transaction (just as you can for most regular transactions). It’s something that wasn’t possible before and could be useful for all sorts of reasons.

The redesign also brings a “transfer” button to add or withdraw money from a Space. The default action is to add money. Previously you had two distinct buttons to add or withdraw. Personally I think the new layout is preferable (and when adding money doesn’t increase user touches at all).


Just created a space and did a transfer, and I didn’t mind it too much. I do wonder if the transaction list is for a forthcoming feature? I notice paying direct debits from spaces is highly requested via social media so maybe It could be preparation for something like that.


You’re probably right that this is in preparation for a bigger change to Spaces, such as the ability to make payments directly from them.


As the others have said, there used to be a little blob animation which dropped the amount you were transferring into the Space, and likewise the other way for a transfer out. Now it’s just a screen with the usual boxes to fill in and a Confirm button. A UI shame, but probably more functional now for those anticipated features of paying bills from Spaces…


Hope paying from spaces is coming would love that feature.


Totally agree. My one missing feature. DD’s and payments would be amazing.

I think the UI now definitely lends itself so that when you click on the space it could open up your payees to select. So I think paying a payee from a space is on its way.

Really hope they come up with the DD element too. :crossed_fingers::pray:

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Yes dds from spaces I would like too.

Linking your debit card to a Space would be so useful as would assigning regular payments (like direct debits and standing orders) to one. For some it could replace aspects of HyperJar, Monzo’s Bill Pots and Revolut’s Pockets.

But it risks cannabilising the market (revenue) of their £2/month additional account. Might this therefore become a chargeable subscription?

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I really hope not.

If it does I will be so disappointed. I loathe the subscription world we are now in. For those using Starling as their main account, they should have enough revenue from interchange and the money I hold in the account.

I was never sure why anybody would use the £2 product when you could have another account with pretty much any other bank for free. I wonder how many people actually use it.

Does anyone here have the extra account for £2 a month- if so what is your use case?

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I don’t, but if Starling were my main account, I would, and gladly pay for it too.

I’d use it segregate spending from bills and subscriptions.

I use Santander for that purpose.

Cost £2pm, however, receive more than that in cashback, so cost neutral

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I use Nationwide for the same purpose. I would prefer it all in one place and £2 is not a lot but I can’t bring myself to pay it!!

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I think the fee is pretty shortsighted. I don’t use my Starling debit card precisely because it’s linked to an account with my important DDs etc. So, it would just be such a nuisance to get some kind of card fraud or card problem on the account.

If I had a totally separate second account, they’d get my interchange, then the fee wouldn’t be necessary

Just noticed on IOS they have changed the way to move money in spaces again.

Much better now in my opinion, you have 2 buttons. One for “Add” and one for “Withdraw”