Changes to Starling "Spaces"

I’m so glad they’ve done this (reverted to separate “Add” and “Withdraw” buttons)! I just couldn’t get used to the other way, found myself having to think much more to work out which way around I needed to set the accounts. Now I can add/withdraw without thinking again!

Pleased to see that the amount field automatically gets focus again too. Thanks for listening, Starling. (They still need to add the date to the “Recent transactions” though).


Mine hasn’t got that update yet, though I do have the new payment screen. I hope it’s a permanent change and not A-B testing. They also need to look at the timestamps they display in the mini transaction list on the Space screen - the time without a date makes no sense.

No such update on my Android app yet

What version of the app are you on, @jamescocker? Mine last updated on 27 July, v2.9.1.54149

iOS 2.8.0 which came out yesterday I beleive.

Ah right, I thought it was Android in your screenshot.

Hi @jamescocker. How do you put an image on the space please? I am iOS 2.8.0 R-

Tap Manage Space then the little camera icon:

I will often find a suitable image via Google Images, then save it to the camera roll.

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Brilliant, thank you. R-

And include Round Up transacttions!


For those stuck with finding images, I find a nice little (free) resource to for images


That’s a shame I liked the new spaces screen that you could press the button in middle to swap iOS.

Still have that on Android

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Did you use to be able to schedule one-off withdrawal from a Space for future date?

Can’t seem to do it now, if one ever could before :man_shrugging:

Don’t remember bring able too set dates to withdraw funds from spaces either.


No. I can do it in my Monzo Pots, but not my Starling Spaces.

Oh well :man_shrugging:

I’ve never tried to do that, so not sure if the feature was ever there!

Yeah, the use I was seeking is where I have used a portion of my Seaside Trips space funds, via credit card, and now wish them to come out just before my credit card DD date, similar to a Monzo Bills Pot, I suppose. However, seems it needs to be done manually.

Not a regular occurrence, so not a big deal, to me.

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