Do you get your shopping delivered?

They probably want to keep your details so they can email you if they ever do expand their delivery area?

Neither have I!

We also live far enough out into the countryside to not be in the range of a Dominos, as far as I know. People in the city have no idea what it’s like out here.

Oh I definitely do! Ok, I’m no city boy and I don’t live in the back end of no where, but of course I do deliver to some extremely remote places that a food delivery truck really shouldn’t at the best of times, be driving into. Some of the roads are nothing more than tracks. I’ve lost countless containers of customers milk where the plastic containers have burst because the truck is bouncing all over the shop. It really is a joy to get back to normal roads after an evening of driving on farm tracks.

Have you thought that the fact it’s so difficult to get out might be the very reason they have done an order?! Haha!

We don’t live down a farm track, so it’s actually not too bad here, but the nearest major shops are some way away. Some near neighbours actually do live down farm tracks, too, so I can picture the sorts of scenes you are talking about!

I suffer that excuse every single day I’m at work when I’m delivering to some of these places. It sometimes doesn’t always work out for the customer either. PDA’s and satnav’s sometimes just don’t work in very remote places. I’ve had instances where the customer has given me a postcode, I drive a mile up a track and reach quite literally nothing, but look across a field and you see a farm house and realise that must be the place you have to get to, but you have to double back completely and drive another 2 miles to reach the place. When you get there, you always get the same answer, 'Well the other drivers don’t have a problem finding us!" And then they admit, it happens frequently because of course they get different drivers week in, week out and eventually the only drivers that don’t have problems finding them, are the ones who’ve been to them before.

I go to some places and often get complaints the last order wasn’t delivered, and that is purely because the customer just doesn’t give full information on where they are. Caravan holiday parks are often the worst, customers staying in a six berth caravan expecting a full shop delivery. Driving onto static caravan sites is a massive pain in the backside and not particularly safe when there are kids running around all over the place.

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