Fraud Scams etc

Nope, never had to pay for a call I’ve ever connected and that was even on my Pay as You Go sim cards.

In any case, with silence unkown callers, I believe the calls are connected and directed straight to voicemail anyway, so they must be paying for call connection?

Ignore the 1st part of the article, it’s the 2nd bit which is of interest.

If they can keep up with the incoming trends of spam messages then that’s good. You’d hope at some point in the future calls could be blocked at their end of the network.


I’m with three and I’ve got one of those royal mail messages but it went straight to spam as it was filtered by the text messaging app instead.

I’ve had nothing since I switched to Three, got plenty when it was on Plusnet though 🤦

Explains why I’ve had none so far, didn’t know they had a spam feature so that’s an extra bonus👌

I’ve actually managed to send a text back to the number that sent me the spam on a few occasions with just one word in it, my favourite Anglo Saxon one. Never get a response.

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Thanks :thinking:

Although to add, you wouldn’t generally get a response if it’s coming from a spam farm setup. It’s just a service with a load of sims in that spit out messages. No one’s sat at a screen seeing what gets returned.

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Oh, yes, I’m fully aware, but the pathetic child in me just wants to swear because it makes me feel better.

I’ve yet to receive any scam or spam texts since switching to Sky when they first launched and getting a new number.

I have been very careful with who I’ve given the number out to though.

And while correlation does not imply causation, throughout my life time, there’s certainly been a correlation with providing my details to the local council for things and an uptick in receiving spam.

I have a VOIP number that I used specifically for council and government dealings. Never handed to anyone else, no companies, no friends, no one. It’s the only number in my block of VOIP numbers that receives any scam or spam calls. I replicated this test with an iCloud alias too. Only used it with my old council. I get shady spam emails from companies to that local area all the time.

I’ve been using honeypots of sorts like that to isolate sources of data leaks that result in spam since I chased talktalk hard enough to get to their data broker who told me my local council sold them my phone number.

They aren’t letting me get scammed, that’s for sure :joy:

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One word of warning @Topsy2 - sending any sort of response indicates that there’s actually someone at the end of that number, so there’s a chance you might get more spam. Maybe not as it’s easy nowadays for them to just send millions of texts out regardless, but I’d avoid any sort of interaction at all to be on the safe side :+1:t2:


I’ve heard the same of spam calls as well, so now when I get a call from an unrecognised number I don’t say “Hello?” as I usually would and instead just wait for any response on the other end - most of the time the line just goes dead. It seems the scammers send out mass calls to test the waters, and then compile a list of those who do respond or sound vulnerable and therefore might make worthwhile victims, and this list is then often shared among or sold to scam centres in the region (India, for example). I think I got this information from a Jim Browning video; his stuff is great!


Oh come on Dan! where’s your sense of fun? Of course I know this, but clearly helpful to those that don’t. You have to admit, some spam texts are worth receiving just for the ability to look and laugh at their poor spelling etc. But of course, anyone of a gullible disposition, should never respond to such nonsense.

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There’s also a chance that the number has actually been spoofed, so you might end up sending some poor unsuspecting person a tirade of abuse!

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It is with considerable regret that, despite @Dan’s health warning (which is, joking aside, a must for the normal punter), I have begun to take exception to one scammer and one scammer only - namely Sky Broadband.

They, it seems, have chosen to employ all manner of multinational agents in a bid to ensure my broadband connection is speeded up because, apparently, it’s got slow….:roll_eyes:

Frankly, I started by swearing at them (uncharacteristic, I might point out) then tried the sophisticated “drag it out and see where it goes” tactic……

Then went back to the Anglo Saxon ploy :flushed:


I don’t often urinate myself laughing, but today, I make an exception. A man in my own swear box :rofl:


Yep, that’d be a bummer, good job I use my unregistered burner phone for those naughty texts then :laughing:

I’m not a member of Which, but if anyone is interested:


When I get scam callers on the phone I make indecent suggestions to them. They soon put the phone down.

Sometimes I blow a whistle really loudly (I keep it near the landline). It serves them right if it damages their eardrums.

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