General thread about Monzo :)

The Monzo Community will be the killer of Monzo one day. That I can say for sure.


I wouldn’t wish that on the bank personally. I’ve always said though, that Monzo made a mistake allowing the forum to become what it has. I’ve said it enough times, but Starling did the correct thing. I hope Chase don’t ever make the mistake of starting up an official forum, there’s no need for it and it would be a huge distraction.


You can do this with Revolut for free. You pay them directly from a pocket irregardless of the card. Wouldn’t say this is a good reason to have a paid for Monzo product when it’s available for free amongst the competition.

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The only thing that puts me off with Revolut is the constant SMS spam and email spam whenever you try and do something within the app :rofl:

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It’s only the transfer emails that are of mild annoyance to me - but I silenced them for a while once by spamming them on ProtonMail.

I only get SMS for large transfers (generally over 1k) or a withdrawal from a group vault (possibly a liability thing?)

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That’s a good shout to be honest if I move the recurring card payments to Revolut and get insurance elsewhere it’s only going to save me £5 :rofl:. But it does mean that i am not trapped in the monzo eco system

The only time I’d pay for prepackaged insurance is when it’s cheaper than the alternative - preferably on an annual basis.

Revolut Metal cost me £120 for the year which will cover 3 trips for me & my partner. The insurance quote for one trip alone was £154 for similar levels of cover. I think other packaged accounts offer travel insurance but usually with other cover which I don’t need.

I wouldn’t pay for a fintech feature which is what Monzo seem to lean on. If I were you I’d use the feature for free on Revolut and obtain the product on an annual basis elsewhere - no doubt you’ll be better off by doing so.

I just worked out I’m mugging myself of paying for Monzo Premium. Here’s how. I only use Premium for Insurance and Virtual Cards.

Revolut is now going to look after my recurring subscriptions via pockets which is going to cost me absolutely nothing monthly.

My insurance is cheaper with AXA directly. For only £103 I have full cover on my Pixel 6 Pro

If we account for the £15 per month over a year I’m about to make a killer saving of £80 a year for not being a monzo simp paying into a metal card experience. lol. Lesson learnt and thank you to @Rexx for pushing me into saving this money by looking at using Revolut to do what my current account can’t

No problem

Just a heads up, you’ll only be able to mark it as a subscription payment and set it from a pocket after the first card payment goes through.

I don’t use Revolut so I have made a specific bills virtual card and I’m happy for the main balance to be used for this :). Saving myself £6 a month now. I’ve even managed to bypass replacing my Monzo premium card

Yeah true you can use it like that. I suppose you could anywhere but perhaps not with a virtual card.

As I use Revolut for travel/other things I use the pockets for DDs/SOs/CPAs.

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Pretty awesome to have CVV in app, leads us 1 step closer to binning physical cards completely! :partying_face:


In fairness, I think that’s going to take a very, very, very long time. Let’s face it, there are still some card issuers out there pumping cards out with embossed numbers on :rofl:

Good to see though that Monzo have at least caught up with some of their rivals.


I just went to pay for my shopping at Iceland. No could do. Cash or chip and pin payment only due to technical issues.

No card with me, so they got to keep their products.

We’re not in a card-free world yet.

Good to see they’re catching up with those cheeky fintech upstarts… like LBG!


Be wary with this, I tried the same but found in the small print the card is “automatically” de-activated after two weeks. Good luck!

Monzo has swept a bunch of awards at the british banking awards this year :slight_smile:

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That’s going to smart for some, literally their main marketing headline. And congratulations to Monzo!

Do they have to take this down now?

I remember when Ecotricity first lost their which? Streak and they removed all references to ever winning it despite it previously being their biggest marketing boast.

I’d love to be a fly on the wall for that conversation around it, it’s also their tagline for the website etc.

I suspect they’ll do as Ecotricity did and remove all references completely