Moderators - Growing the team

This thread, and some people’s behaviour across the forum is making me want to leave the place lately


It’s refreshing to know I’m not the only user who is thinking this @anon47616136

Neil, I’m very much in the same camp as the other guys, something has changed in the last couple of days and I’m getting weary of some of the blatant rudeness and belligerence that’s crept in. Things are turning Monzoesque in my opinion, but that’s just my opinion.


If there is anything you see which is against the community guidelines, then please flag it. I’ve said to before - the flag tool is there to help mods and admins notice any posts which need attention. We can’t be everywhere all the time, so sometimes things skip passed us.


To be honest, it was the ridiculous overuse and misuse of flagging that was one of the biggest issues with the monzo community.


Remove the users that are frequently problematic


If you read the thread and other recent threads you will have your answers

If you can’t see what’s wrong with some of the posts made by users then there is not much point me saying anything else or contributing anymore to be honest

Suggestion: those who abuse the flagging facility should themselves be punished. Flagging should be used judiciously but is seemingly a broad brush for some.

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This place is like a kindergarten.


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Get a grip Neil between this and the Monzo community they are just as bad as each other and your contributing to part of the problem

@Mathew please can you close my account

Ok, let’s end this here. This is not the purpose of this community, nor the attitude that should be used.

You can ignore anyone who is being a pain, and if enough people ignore them we do get notified to take action - sort of a silent flag.

As I explained before, we try to be here to keep an eye on things but we have lives outside these forums, believe it or not. Whereas I should be spending an hour or so here, I’m spending most of my working day just trying to sort everyone and everything out - not the way it should be. I can’t speak for @Graham or @Dan but I know both spend the time that they can here, which is still probably more than they should be.

There should be one simple rule - be kind. And if you can’t be that, don’t be part of this community.