Nationwide App Change Coming 👀

Seb, I don’t know if it’s just me, but your Starling teal S is broken on my devices. Shows a generic profile icon in thread, but is still an S everywhere else. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Same here - Safari on macOS & iOS.

Edit: no, it’s working now. Definitely wasn’t a couple of hours ago.

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fixed for me now too. Weird!

Yeah, if you’re a single person maybe? To be honest, as I don’t have anyone bar me to cover that would be eligible… Virgin would probably be better since I could insure my laptop while abroad too

Some people are bitter that the banks were bailed out, you don’t have to understand it, just acknowledge it and move on it’s not a big deal lol

I couldn’t get any bank switching bonuses if I tried, but yes I object to the fact they revealed criteria post-announcement and also made it impossible to qualify for

I’m actually surprised they’re allowed to get away with discriminate non-obligatory member payments. Thought that they should really make it for every member or no members, but hey-ho

Nationwide was also bailed out, albeit to a lesser extent than RBS/LTSB/HBOS:

v38 of the Android app has changed the colour of their logo to red and introduced a new font for their name.

Looks like a rebrand and not just of the app. It’s also live on their website

Much prefer the old/established colour scheme…

More details at What's changing | Nationwide


The old look was established, as you say, and quite recognisable. I would say you could perhaps have argued that it was a little bland, but that wasn’t really a problem.

The new look is just as bland, throws all their long-established brand recognition out of the window, and bizarrely dates the brand even more (although the old look was perhaps a bit staid, the new one looks like something from the 1980s).

It’s also going to cost a lot if they are going to revamp cards, branches, the website and the app. It indicates that the app is probably not going to get any functional improvements as the “new look” seems to literally be a new look only and nothing else, when I’m sure most users would have appreciated work on missing features much more. You do wonder why they bothered?


I’m surprised they’ve changed the “village” logo. You could tell the old one was meant to be a collection of houses with a tree, but it’s not clear what the new design represents.

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Another waste of money after the recent ÂŁ100 giveaway.
Lots of the branches were refurbished with a pewter/grey colour in the last few years.
I notice that bar the new1980s branding, they still have the same tired range of non-leading products.


Flat cards! Only Co-op, Barclays, Monzo and Triodos (and possibly Cumberland BS?) left issuing debit cards with raised digits by default now.

Perhaps you could point me in the direction of a better regular saver than their 8% one, or a cheaper packaged current account with full family phone insurance and breakdown cover including onward travel?

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Do you mean the Cumberland Building Society?

Yes, I did :flushed:

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Same with the iOS app. No added functionality, same slow loading speed.

I think I do too. It’s almost like somethings should be left alone - Nationwide’s branding being one of them. :smirk:

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Biggest overhype letdown of the century

I removed my nationwide from Apple Pay, as it said to remove then re-add to get the new design, unfortunately it doesn’t, still the same old design! Anyone had any luck getting the new design in Apple Pay?

It says the new design won’t show on Apple Pay or Google pay for a couple of days on social

They are also staggering the replacement process.

Current account cards

Anyone opening a new current account after 16 October will get a new-look card. After this date we will also be replacing any lost, stolen or damaged cards with our new ones.

However, as we have quite a lot of cards with our old logo on them, we will be using these for card renewals. So, if your card has expired, you will be given one in the old design until the stock has run out.

Savings accounts cards

Our new-look cards will be available for savings customers in the next few months.

Credit cards

Our new credit cards will be available from early November.

All the new Debit Card Designs:

Credit Card Designs: