Nostalgia, or "Do you remember when....?"

I grew up in a household with a black and white tv that always chose Christmas to develop a fault when no tv repair man was available. The picture would start spinning round until someone hit it and it stopped for a while but then got worse until it was unwatchable. Later on I was proud of always having a state of the art colour tv and vcr because I rented them from radio rentals.


Me sat here remembering 1p sweets and pre-2008 mass devaluation of the pound resulting in everything feeling like it cost a lot more suddenly

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Remembering my dad saying:
When petrol goes up to a pound a gallon I’m stopping driving
When fags go up to a pound a packet I’m stopping smoking

:joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:


I remember something along these lines from my parents. Except it was £5. Cigarettes are well beyond that now yet they still smoke a sizeable chunk of their salaries away.

To put it into perspective, their smoking addiction is twice as expensive as my annual discretionary spends, which include a fair number of large tech purchases. And I’m the one wasting money!

To each their own I suppose and whatever brings you joy. I don’t think people realise just how much smoking and alcohol costs, not just in terms of health, but financially too. I’m glad I’ve never bothered with either.


Hope they’re ready for 2025-2030. U.K. government is planning on banning it and have told tobacco corporations to move onto something less toxic

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I think one of the most amusing comments I ever heard was from a doctor to my grandad:
“Maybe he ought to give up his few cigarettes and his daily whiskey”
Old bugger was 94 at the time :joy:

I think at that age, he was entitled to his few pleasures in life :grin:


Pah! Me sat here remembering ½p sweets! :tired_face:


I can recall finding 50p on the floor one day on my way to school.
I thought I was a millionaire :joy:


I remember my father bringing home some plastic-wrapped tubes of decimal coins and giving me my first decimal pocket money. I proudly walked to the local newsagent to buy my Whizzer and Chips, only to be told they weren’t ready to accept “new” money yet!


Bring back pre-decimal money I want to be able to use the word shillings daily

Or, in common parlance, “bob”. As in……

“So that’s:

  1. A Hansom Cab from your place to pick your other half up (then on up to Town)

  2. Two 3/6d stall tickets for the Rialto to see “Oliver”

  3. Liver & onions afterwards at Lyon’s Tea Rooms, Charing Cross

  4. Two pints of mild and a couple of Babychams for the other half

  5. The bus home……

Fifteen bob the lot. :+1:t3:"

Sorted :sunglasses:


I remember getting those same tubes when we went on holiday. For the amusement arcade.

A tube of one pence coins made us feel rich. For ten minutes or so :man_shrugging::pensive::joy:

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Sounds like a great evening out :+1::grin:


It was… Oops :roll_eyes:

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I remember my first trip to Villa Park. Sat in the Trinity Road Enclosure for a great view of Villa v Everton, August 1978 IIRC.

Ticket price? 75p

The following March I stood on the Holte End for the first time.

Price? 25p

Oh the days when we could afford to go the football.

Child prices helped though :grin:


My one and only visit to Villa Park was in the '90’s when I took a group of patients (so all tickets paid for :slightly_smiling_face:).

Upside was that I was in the Holte End (nice) - downside was I was stood on the far left looking out and it was chucking it down :flushed:.

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Until recently, I still had a ‘Maskatron’ action figure. I stupidly gave it away, especially when you see how much they sell for on the famous aution site.

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Still got a few 1/2p coins, completely bloody pointless coinage even when they were in circulation.

Sixpence’s weren’t withdrawn until 1980. I was still spending them in my local sweet shop. If I remember rightly, they were worth 2.5p. Not sure why they survived 9 years after decimalisation came in. Once again, seemed like a bloody pointless exercise keeping them legal tender. Then again, most of our modern day coinage is pretty bloody pointless and I just wish people would stop dripping about why coins are so ‘useful’. Just get rid of the bloody things!

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And were still used by my grandparents in their homemade christmas puddings.

That’s before the PC crowd deemed them a health risk :grin:

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Yeah, one of my neighbours kids saw me drinking from the garden hose pipe the other day and I heard Mummy say to little Johnny, “Oh, don’t do that, that’s dirty and you’ll catch something” Bloody hell! where do they get people from these days! :rofl:

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