"Paid from your main balance"

Yes, but only because the DD amount is transferred from the pot to the main account before being paid. If it was paid directly from the pot there would be nothing shown.

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Wait until Chase offer DD’s and then all your worries will be over.

Card transactions from pots are downloaded with the main account feed just with a note saying what pot it has come from

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Open banking doesn’t really count for Starling though, they don’t support it. They have an API connection that isn’t standard and have no obligations unlike the big 9.

For me it’s not so much what they’re obliged to do, it’s the half-assed nature of what they are doing. Impressive it is not.

What’s equally strange is transactions from Spaces do not appear on the apps’ Spending analysis screen.

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I did notice this as well

Yeah, Spaces transactions only show in the Space. It seems so strange that I wonder if it’s what they intended

Like a couple of other features they’ve launched previously, I think it’s purely an oversight. Hopefully, if enough people provide feedback, they’ll improve on this feature. I find it quite frustrating - it’s why I was never a fan of Monzo. I don’t like the “Minimum Viable Product” approach. It seems like an excuse to ship something sub-standard. I’d much prefer to wait a bit longer and have something that works really well than to get early access to something that appears to be half-finished.


Why does it say here that they will take money from your main account :person_shrugging:

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Defeats the purpose of actually using them if they take the money regardless doesn’t it tbh

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Mine doesn’t have that. Maybe a previous iteration which hasn’t been corrected?

Mine says the same as Ryan’s, including the bad English and the spelling mistake:

“If there isn’t enought money space we’ll look to take the remaining money from your main account”

I’m on the latest Android update.

See, it’s little things like this that infuriate me! Whether it’s a typo, an oversight or just human error, there’s no way it should make it into the final, live app. It’s sloppy quality control. I’m a big fan of Starling but it really annoys me. Totally avoidable.


It’s interesting to infer that, even until quite recently, Starling was contemplating using the main account as the back-up.

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Maybe they realised people would be using the auto pay into feature, so it was going to decline either way. It would be good as an option though if you could dedicate overdraft to specific bill spaces.

e.g. would you go into debt for something inconsequential such as a charity donation or a bill that doesn’t credit marker you + doesn’t charge late fees? probably not. for your car finance you probably would

Oddly, mine is the same as @Ryan’s, implying they’ll take the difference from the main balance :thinking:

Is this an Android vs iOS thing? Are all the users seeing the message about making up the difference on Android?

Mine is the same a @pootle



As above, I see the same as @Ryan
