"Paid from your main balance"

If you really want to do this, you can do a partial switch to some other bank eg Barclays, then CASS into starling

You can easily do a partial switch yourself. You just need to contact any companies you pay by Direct Debit and give them your Starling bank details. In many, if not most, cases you can do this online. You can also cancel any existing standing orders on the Nationwide app and set them up on the Starling app. There’s nothing else to it.

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A partial switch is pretty handy though if you’ve got loads of DDs

CASS is of course extremely useful and can save a huge amount of hassle. As I found out however, the banks sometimes don’t actually notify employers or pension providers that an employee or pensioner has moved banks, the payment sender just sends the salary or pension out to the old bank as usual because they’ve not been told and the payment is then just auto forwarded to the new bank. This has happened a couple of times with my pension payments whereby I now always follow up a CASS by notifying my pension provider that I’ve switched bank accounts. They have confirmed to me that this is fairly usual, they themselves sometimes aren’t notified of an account change and sometimes it can take months before any notification is sent to them.

That’s odd - I’ve never had any problems with incoming payments following a CASS. I usually get a letter from pension companies and employees after the first redirected payment saying that they’ve updated the details.

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I’ve not actually had an issue with a missed pension payment. The issue has only come to light when I’ve necessarily had to contact my pension provider Equiniti, to inform them of a change of address. On the two occasions I’ve done this, I’ve mentioned that I’ve also changed banks. On checking their files, they discovered that their systems hadn’t actually been updated to reflect my bank account change, so I’m just assuming that they push out the payment to the bank they have on file and because I’d already CASS’ed, it just got auto forwarded. Because I informed the pension provider, that actually gave them the nod to update their database and they subsequently sent me a letter to confirm this had been done.

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I assumed it had all been automated now because if you pay one of your CASSed payees with Starling (and Monzo), the bank account details automatically update within seconds.

Sidenote to the paid from space update, I’ve just noticed I can now copy my card number, expiry etc. Which saves me a bit of a headache hopping between apps. Happy with that little change!

Tangential, I know, but….

They administer my NHS pension. I’ve only ever needed to contact them on change of bank details.

Have to say that although the chaps I’ve spoken to on each occasion have been utter gentlemen with impeccable customer awareness, their ancient quaintness is echoed by the system they operate (could have sworn I could hear the scratching of a quill pen).

Everything done by letter - fascinating - but it works.


And that is the only reason I’ve ever had to communicate with them. As I said previously, it was they who advised me that even after a CASS that it was a prudent measure to phone and tell them because their own electronic records aren’t always updated to reflect a change of banking details following a CASS. Yes, the money still hits the bank account, but that’s because the money just gets routed to the bank details they hold and when it hits the old bank account, is then auto forwarded to the new bank account. At least that’s my understanding. It could of course all be total guff, but I can only convey what’s been said to me.

The procedure is that the money gets redirected to the new bank and, at the same time, the payer gets notified of the change. See what I said above - you see it happen in front of your own eyes.

Of course, if your pension provider is still using a quill, they may not have the appropriate infrastructure to support this electronically :slight_smile:


We’re talking about a Government pension provider here, what do you think? :rofl:

If you go onto the iOS App store or Google app store and look for the Equiniti Civil Service pension app and read the reviews, you’ll see what I mean.

And let’s face it, we’ve now got a load of U.K pensioners who have hit pension age and the Government can’t even pay their pensions and for some, it’s causing serious hardship.

Apologies to all for going ridiculously off topic!

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My main pension is with USS and they appear to be on the ball. A couple of days after my last CASS I downloaded some old pension payslips and they were already showing the new bank details. I assume that they are generated on the fly.

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Not setting up a redirection is your choice and risk.
It’s fairly standard practice unless you still have access to the old address.

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I can confirm that transactions from spaces doesn’t download through open banking even tho the space shows on the connection

Is that just the transfers, or the actual transactions with the new bills manager?

Had a standing order go out today and hasn’t been downloaded or the transfer to the space

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This is a deal breaker for me. There’s no sign in Emma that a payment has gone out, other than the Space balance going down.

I think this probably breaches open banking rules, as transactions from a Space are still transactions on the account (they do end up on the statement).

I still think they’d have been better off creating multiple full accounts (like Chase has done), which would solve this problem and more.

That’s disappointing. It’s the same with Monzo, though, with regard to how pots/spaces are handled - no transaction information via Open Banking, just the balance.

Doesn’t monzo show the transactions in the main feed though?