Royal Bank of Scotland ios app updates

PS: I see you’ve edited your post, it was indeed the same video!

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Yep, truly mental. How can an engineer of 4 years at Apple think that it’s ok to film and publish the biggest iPhone redesign since its inception before official launch. Seems like he was a real liability!

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Maybe he thought (seriously naïvely) that Apple would just let it slide and his daughter would get loads of views and new subscribers to her channel after posting that kind of content?

There was clearly some kind of legal threat too, as I remember that the video was only up for a day (I saw it during that time) before Apple picked up on it, fired the guy and then it was gone. They probably said “OK, you are fired, and we won’t sue you if you take it down”, so they did. It was replaced by aforementioned hysterical apology video.

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Well, if anyone wants to watch it (again) I found a reupload:

Kind of sad actually, the dad seems like a really nice guy (probably just naive like you say). To bring things slightly back on topic for a fintech forum, when he’s buying lunch at the Apple cafe using the new iPhone X’s Apple Pay, he says: “I did the Apple Pay on that phone so I wanted to test it.” The BBC says he was a wireless technology engineer, so I guess that all makes sense, and is actually pretty cool.

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Yes, so he probably worked on NFC. I remember upgrading to my iPhone X at launch from an iPhone 6, and the range of the new phone’s Apple Pay surprised me as it’s much better. It’s almost too easy, to the point where you could pay before selecting the card you wanted, so he did a good job.

I also remember reports of this on Macrumors (as you say, it was a major story at the time, revealing things like a close look at the notch and how the status bar had been redesigned). I genuinely did feel for the girl and her dad, as it all came across like they were genuine. I remember she was so upset in the apology video, and the comments on the video and Macrumors were brutal. Hopefully they came out of it Ok in the end. They do say there is no such thing as bad publicity, right?

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I just watched it - near the end Brooke does say something along the lines of “I wish that I could become an engineer just so that I could work at Apple”, so that must have been right.

I also forgot how most of the vlog was her going shopping. Maybe they thought a 2 minute hands on was short enough to fly under the radar or something?

Obviously not!


RBS iOS update released this morning on app store.


I’ve been reading through the app reviews for RBS and seemingly, one or two folks aren’t happy with the new cheque scanning. Not used it yet because I haven’t had any work related cheques so can’t comment on whether it’s as good as Starling or otherwise.

Actually, you’ve just given me an idea. I might write myself a cheque for £500 from my Nationwide joint account and scan that into my RBS account and see how painful the process is :laughing: The Wife will of course slap me for transferring joint money into my sole RBS account, but I’m a man’s man and I don’t care what she thinks :rofl:


Oooo errr, just logged into my RBS app and hit with a full screen ‘Top Security Tips’
‘WARNING: Thinking of investing in Bitcoin or other Cryptocurrencies?’ and then 4 paragraphs of advice…

As I don’t do any of that crypto stuff, pointless for me

Lots of people are being hit with these scams, they’re really easy to set up and they’re everywhere.

I see they have a ‘Coming soon’ bit. Good to see dark mode is mentioned, but I don’t understand why they just didn’t implement it in this latest release. Seems daft as NatWest have apparently had it for a while now.

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And it looks like credit card spend notifications are new to the coming soon. I might make that wiki for tracking features , there’s so many


I knew you’d do a screenshot, that’s why I left it to you :laughing:


You mean NatWest obviously, but yes I agree with you.

They obviously want to test it for some reason, but it seems flawless at NatWest so I have no idea why they won’t roll it out to all the brands?

Fixed that! For some reason, I’ve got Nationwide on the brain :laughing:

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A case of wrong-bank-itis!

That would be something, a hostile takeover of a huge mutual from RBS/NatWest.

Of course, NatWest was itself bought by RBS as the result of an aggressive hostile takeover (and there we are, I’ve brought it back on topic)!

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That would be almost impossible. The members of Nationwide, e.g. most account holders, would need to vote in favour, whereas building society members have a habit of voting how the board recommends them to vote.
Plus, and most importantly, all new Nationwide members since the mid 1990s are bound by a clause that excludes them from any merger bonus/bribe, so there would be no incentive for them to vote in favour of the merger.


Not impossible if all the older members want a windfall!

Also, to be pedantic, the newer members don’t get no windfall at all - doesn’t their windfall get paid to charity as part of a charitable assignment clause?

If so, they might be persuaded to vote for it too.

I doubt if there would be enough older (as in longstanding) members left to make up a majority in a vote.

Yes, the newer members’ windfall would be paid to charity, but I can’t see that being enough reason for most of them to vote for a merger. People don’t usually bother unless there’s something in it for them personally.

Plus, many of the former building societies went tits up after they became banks, so it’s not a good incentive for Nationwide members to agree to a takeover. Alliance and Leicester, Bradford & Bingley, Halifax, Northern Rock, Britannia, -all got into financial difficulties.

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