Would you recommend Tandem or Marcus? Looking to start putting away savings and trying to choose between the two.
With easy-savers at rubbish rates it’s probably more about ease of use. Of the two in your position (new customer?) I’d go for Marcus.
But that’s me. Opinions will vary. (Tandem has hit the radar, though.)
You won’t lose a ton of cash if you make the wrong decision.
Marcus gets my vote.
There’s something reassuring about Marcus, something rather amateurish about Tandem.
Don’t quote me….
If it’s longer term then bank savings accounts are just not worth it imo. You lose money to inflation no matter how much interest is paid (currently). You’d be better off exploring lower risk investment options I think, especially if it’s not for any near term specific goals.
If it’s 1-3 years… then I might put it in a bank account but I tend to simply not care that how much interest is paid. Anything between 0.3-0.5% is better than nothing and my only real concern is ease of access and how safe the money is. It’s just not worth wasting my time chasing the pennies when I could probably make much more valuable use of my time.
Coventry Building Society have launched a Loyalty Saver!!
How do they reward Loyalty, I hear you ask?
They offer a whopping 0.65% variable rate interest…
…and make you wait 21 days for your withdrawals
For anyone who has held a Coventry BS account since 1 January 2020 or before,
here is the summary info.
I keep ready money in child accounts with Halifax and Lloyd’s. Currently 1.4% instant easy access up to £5k, though you can open two with each bank.
Anything slightly longer term, I put up to £800 a month into Dozens bonds at 5%, then a smattering of regular savers averaging around 1%, though I have to admit I’m a bit stumped where to go for my next regular…
Then I’ve got Marcus for saving that I don’t keep on my spreadsheet - money I “forget”. The only annoying thing with Marcus is you have to keep accepting the bonus, it isn’t automatically applied. Logged in to their new Android app a day or so ago which reminded me to accept the 0.10% bonus I’ve been missing…
Think you need a child to qualify for those
Both showing rate at 1% on their respective websites. Probably to new customers.
Do pets count? I’ve got plenty of those!
Mandatory internet pet tax! We demand photos
I think an account that required pet ownership would be amazing!
You could always stick £10k on Ziglu’s Sterling Boost at 5% APY
The peacock is over on the other place! And the husky is in Atom’s kitchen! You guys can meet one of my sparrow slayers.
I opened the Tandem Instant Green Saver last night, to give it a go.
Deposits appeared 40 mins later at 22:40 and 23:30, so not quick on a weekend night, but acceptable, I suppose.
FP from Monzo arrived same time as Open Banking deposit, albeit was sent a couple of minutes later.
Pay Out to Monzo was 12 minutes.
Linking the Monzo account was clunkier than my legacy banks. Once connected though, transactions were nice and smooth.
Was wary of this Open Banking bit, as not sure I wanted them seeing my current account transactions, and then thought stuff it, I use it at Barclays to see my Halifax account in the Barclays app
So far, I’m “OK” with Tandem.
My Skipton bonus ends 14 Sep, so I’ll consider closer to that date whether the extra 0.15% available at Tandem, and multiple linked accounts, is enough to sway me towards them over my reliable Atom and Marcus accounts.
I’ve now moved all monies over from Atom, leaving the latter open.
Yep, it all works and I’ve now checked response times in both directions and it’s perfectly acceptable.
The app, as you’ve found, is pretty Spartan with no features at all. I’ve messaged them about the issue of interest certificates for tax purposes, as there’s currently no provision for documentation etc.
** Edit: I maligned them. I’ve found the documentation, including statements. Apologies, Tandem.
Open Banking-wise, I no longer bother, as it’s a nicety at best and frankly, of no use anyway, as I know how much I’ve got with a couple of app-clicks.
I use scheduled transfers a lot with Skipton. Cannot do so with Tandem, however, not a major deal for me tbh
I have a Coventry Limited Access (6x a year) account paying something like 0.55% iirc
Not sure if that’s good right now or not because I don’t really want to read the entire thread though, lmk if there’s anything better
The TL;DR is:
You could get 0.65% with Tandem or 0.5% with Marcus, Atom or Tesco, at the moment.
Those are the best rates, basically.
All of those are true instant access with no limit on the withdrawals.
Well, @Mathew , we’ve given that a bit of an airing. You are now as informed as it’s possible to be.
Save wisely….
So my rate is pretty much as good as it’s going to get, since I’m only keeping roughly 4000 in there
Short of opening 4 new Virgin Money accounts anyways…