Savings Accounts

Tandem going to 4.36% on their instant access account

Not enough to justify me moving mine back from 4.30 and 4.50 accounts.

Faster transactions are a selling point though :thinking:

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I use Tandem for fixed rate but not instant anymore. I assume that’s with the bonus rate?

I don’t like how you have to do OTP’s to login half the time. Fine for Fixed that you don’t have to check often.

I’ve never had to do that since I first logged into the app a few months ago.

Indeed, it is with the Top-Up

I have to do it regularly, but then I do not check my Tandem app every day, nor leave it open in the background.

It is irritating though, when biometrics are perfectly adequate tbh.

Happens to me all the damn time :joy:

My Ford Money account now fully up and running, I can move money out as well as in. Not a bad experience tbh. Yes, I get it, there are other higher paying easy access accounts out there, but this one suits me fine :+1:


4.46% easy access at Oxbury Bank

While Coventry BS have 4.5% account

Didn’t realise they only lent to farms - wonder what the environmental credentials are?

Does the environment matter if you starve?

More likely to starve as a result of climate breakdown than anything else, take a look at Spain’s agricultural sector right now.

Anyway, you digress, I was merely asking if anyone knew whether their lending focussed on sustainable farming projects, methods etc.

Though both have limitations of use.

Oxbury, you earn 0% if your balance falls below £1,000, although is easy access.

Coventry allows 4 penalty free withdrawals before imposing a 50 days interest penalty on fifth withdrawal onwards.

I some funds sat in an ISA (more than 1k but still 4 figures), I was very close to transferring it to another ISA as per my convo with Graham but the thought hit me, it’s a flexible ISA and having bought a house I’m unlikely to make more contributions to my cash ISA.

Perhaps as a basic rate tax payer I’d be better off taking it out putting it into the top rate instant access, then putting it back into the ISA in early April and rinse and repeating until I need to transfer etc

Still would enable me to transfer it without using up the next tax years allowance should I come into money etc right?

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I hear this account is moving to 4.35% next week :+1:

This topic has become a valuable resource for savers. Let’s keep it on track please.

You do realise that the money will only earn interest in the account that it’s in, don’t you?

By that, I mean the interest it earns in the non-ISA will count towards your £1,000 PSA, regardless of whether you move it into ISA before April.

I don’t know how much savings you have that will earn taxable interest, however, it is something to consider.

I’m in the fortunate position of not avoiding paying tax on the interest I’ll earn this tax year . Well, I consider myself fortunate anyway, as many people are struggling.

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Yes of course! It’s just that this tax year I’m building back up so I’m well within the 1k limit. I guess I could repeat the process until my circumstances change? The ISA used to be more relevant and I just left an emergency fund in there post a few events, it may be again in future.

It’s about a 1.2% difference from my ISA to the Oxbury account

Ah. My ISA is 5%, so same as the BoE rate at the moment, and well above Easy Access non-ISA accounts. Big difference!

I assume that’s fixed!

I think given it’s a flexible isa it might be worth me doing it.

It’s only about £50 more a year but I guess every little counts

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If I wanted to, I’d fix at 5%. Best I can get right now on easy access is 4.02%. That’ll do for now….