Savings Accounts

They will increase very soon. Just be patient.

Meanwhile, thank You Tesco. I really appreciate. :joy:

It is highly likely that they factored this predicted rise in their latest rate increase and will not increase again any time soon, or if they do, it may be a minimal increase.

It took four rises in a month to reflect the last BoE rise, plus a little extra.

My prediction is an eventual increase to 4.65% AER, but probably not reach that for another four weeks.

Let’s see :thinking:

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I just need to get my Wife to see sense, she’s stubbornly keeping her savings in Chase. I’ve pointed her toward higher EA rates but she can’t be bothered :person_facepalming:

Each to her own……:blush:

I think some of the issue is the perceived ‘faff’ of opening a new account. I sort of get it, there was a bit of faff involved opening the Ford Money account in terms of having to wait for postal stuff.

I’ve just been looking at the Investec easy access saver to see if that’s a completely straightforward open online account. If it is, I’ll push it under her nose :laughing:

You might want to actually consider a savings platform then. It’s very easy to open and switch accounts.

I had Oxbury open and funds deposited in about 7 minutes…

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Tandem the first to hit 5% easy access :scream:


And that’s all my savings not otherwise tied up off to Tandem! Quite glad I updated my linked account last week.

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Does anyone know whether you can add another linked account when you only have fixed savers?

For the life of me I can’t see the button to top up my tandem account

Tap into the Instant Access saver and there should be a button to pay in.

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I might just hold off to see what Chip do. They beat Tandem within a few days last time Tandem increased their rates.

My Chip money has stayed as is, for now

Skipton, Newcastle, Ford and YBS all cleaned out now and in Tandem today/tomorrow.

Well, I’ve been a very bad boy and opened a Tandem instant Access account :+1: Got the additional top up straight away.

And how easy that was! All done and dusted in less than ten minutes and credited with some spare savings moved between two of my current accounts.

Tomorrow I’ll start moving my savings from Ford because the extra 0.5% I cannot ignore.

Hang it all - and I have…… on a whim :relieved:

I closed my Tandem account a while back and the top up rate went with it - I just opened it again and the top up rate went back on for a year - have I gamed the system? :joy:

I think Oxbury might be about to go…

My screen is showing 4.36%. Need I be worried?

Effective tomorrow according to my email

Ok. What rate does yours currently show?