
Even things like topping up Revolut or paying off credit cards? Surely there’s a catch?

The £1000 limit is the catch. It’s a catch all (applies to all your spending not just energy bills), and can be thought of as a cap you can earn on cashback at £10 per month.

It’s the sort of cashback idea Chase are floating as the long term account offer, so it remains rewarding, but doesn’t just leech them. Caps the loss of the loss leader.

I get cash back for my water and Octopus payments with Chase

I have paid my Amazon card, no cash back earned.

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Not surprised tbh

Really easy and smooth on boarding process this morning and virtual card attached to Curve for use through Google Pay.

Went for the blue card in the end, though I spent more time deliberating of choice of colour than I should have :joy:

Was so tempted to go for pink card as none in my collection, but have more than enough black or dark coloured cards.

Just need to make a purchase now :blush:


It’s odd that the referral links don’t mention the £10 anywhere!

Cashback at Amazon marketplace via Curve didn’t track yet that for Lidl tracked.


I bought from Microsoft store using card details. Transaction completed. No cashback showing :man_shrugging:

I’ll stick to my Chase for now.

Yeah the cashback flow is not nearly as polished as Chase. It can take up to a week and there’s no visibility until you actually get it. Chase have this nailed. Hoping it’s something they’ll improve.

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I can also confirm that their customer service is not favourable.

My Lidl cash back was pending immediately after the purchase, I could see it until transaction status changed to completed then the cashback was also transferred.

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It’s arrived.

The card, that is.

Still no sign of my cashback :man_shrugging:

Off to test it at Costa :blush:


In Algbra?

They have no sort of interface in the app that I can see for pending cashback. It shows up only once they’ve paid it into your account, which for me, so far, has always been 7 days later.

They’ve upgraded their presentation then. Mine just arrived stuck to a letter.

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I made the Lidl purchase before this update where they said they have officially launched cashback. It was on the rewards tab showing “cashback” and grayed out until it completed

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Loaded £100 to card. First transaction last night, using card in a restaurant. Transaction has appeared twice in the app, account now showing with a negative balance. Not a great start. Logged with Live Chat support…

(Oh, and a little surprising that one meal out is apparently equivalent to a 130km flight!)

Interesting. I don’t see anything new on the rewards tab until cashback has been paid.

Mine too!

On the cashback note… My cashback hasn’t updated in a while. I’ve so far gained £0.06, no idea what transaction it relates to (it doesn’t say, unless I’m missing something?)

I’ve had a few purchases since, but no movement on that figure

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Mines the same. It’s completely random at the moment