Any good recommendations for credit cards with instant notifications and a good App - like Starling/Monzo do with debit cards.
American Express
I’m sure somebody did a table of credit cards with details of their apps, including which had push notifications. I’ve done a quick search but it’s eluding me. Perhaps it was on FTT.
Here you go
I’ve just recently (last 2 weeks) received and have been using a M&S credit card. I have been getting virtually instant notifications on transactions, but it takes days for the actual transaction to show up in my account. Amex is so much better, pretty much instantaneous on all fronts. Still, it’s 23 months interest free credit, so I’ll not moan too much.
The M&S iOS app is in my opinion, poor, very very basic, but I guess it all depends on what you want from an app. Hopefully, setting up a Faster Payment via my Starling account won’t be too much of a pain, well it shouldn’t, I pay my Amex through it and never have any issues.
M&S Bank is one of the few banks I’ve never used, but from what I’ve read it’s massively improved now from what it used to be.
Previously, it had no notifications, no statements and only a limited transaction history, and you also needed a physical M&S PASS to login through online banking. That’s all no longer an issue now, as I understand it, although it’s still just a poorly re-skinned First Direct app.