Savings Accounts

Don’t think so. I was merely bemoaning the reality.

That three year rate could turn out to be a good investment

They were interesting when I took out three year savers with them, first at 1.46%, then at 4.95% :man_shrugging::man_facepalming:

Chip haven’t shown any sign of increasing their interest rate from 4.51% AER, so it’s off to Tandem for me!

Emptied mine last week.

Problem with competing only on rates is that everyone is a bad client and will move money around like the Swiss moved gold post-WW2

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sort of the reason I’m still in with Marcus. not best interest rate but the customer service side really makes up for it, when it comes to the pinch.

Tandem Top Up disappears, leaving new customers on 4.65%

Wonder if it will return by time mine expires in February 2024 :thinking:

Interesting. Wonder if they thought they went too high too soon and given nobody followed suit they’re now dropping back?

Hopefully doesn’t indicate any issues at the bank seeing as it’s a move to discourage new signups. Maybe they just temporarily need to slow things down.

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Could be, but with more rate rises to come?

At least they’re likely not short of cash at the moment. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Could be a very different picture by then. :thinking:

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Funnily enough I had a top up rate closing early
next year - I closed my tandem IA when it was behind the back in June. Then I reopened it in August when it got to 5% on the off chance as I had fixed savers already, it worked and now I have the top up rate for months longer (no issue missing out in the interim as I was still getting a market leasing rate elsewhere)

Aha. So it was you I saw on MSE and not a clone :joy:

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Yes! I do pop on there now & again.

4.9% at cahoot Simple Saver


Chip have increased their instant access rate to 4.84% AER

Tandem are close to being beaten for existing customers and have already been overtaken for new.

I hope they up things soon (again).

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What’s the Tandem beating rate? I’m considering doing Santander Edge for 7%. Apparently they don’t charge a monthly fee if you don’t have any DDs set up on the account…