Savings Accounts

Handy for that spare £4000.

The ones above. If you’re new to Tandem you don’t get the bonus rate so you’re on 4.65%

Oh I see :slight_smile: Glad I jumped in at 5%, even if it will inevitably be overtaken soon.


Too late. My cash has moved.

I hope it won’t, I hate moving my money so often!

I’ll be honest I’m staying put for a bit - I already have fixed rate so don’t mind having it in one place

can I just say. Cahoot! wow, blast from said past.

Yeah, I was surprised to see they still exist. I used to have an account with them many years ago.

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Rates still edging upwards.

4.93% @ Easy Access Savings Accounts | Our Best Rates | Shawbrook

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The cash ISA market looks very flat today, though. :flushed:

Now 4.94%

Shame I can’t open an account because their onboarding questions include my job and they have nothing even vaguely related to what I do.

As they’ll inevitably overtake Tandem soon

:joy: I closed Oxbury to move to Tandem - I think they still leave you with a user profile but tbh I think I’ll stick with it all in one place

Can you be a “retired” farmer? :thinking::rofl::rofl:

I’m happy with Tandem tbf.

Multiple connected current accounts allow easy dissemination of funds, when required, too :grin:

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Does “Manager- other” including managing your own home? :grin:

6.2% One Year Bond @ Guaranteed Growth Bonds


If I had tens of thousands I’d probably put some in there but sadly I’m steering clear of fixed offerings

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Atom have lost the plot and think they’re a high street bank with those interest rates.

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I got the email and didn’t see the point in posting it anywhere.

Pointless increase tbh.

Mine sits at £0.00 still