The card design thread

RBS Premier:

Very… interesting

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Noted their reply. Pointing out the recycled content to try to earn some brownie points.

It annoys me that banks are taking a circular resource out of a circular industry to use in product that can’t be recycled… and they’re praised for it. Where’s the logic.

Nothing will ever improve if people are satisfied with green washing and think that’s enough to save our planet.


Agreed, if they were producing a fully biodegradable card (as Triodos do, to give them some credit) that would be one thing, but this is pointless and only done for PR reasons.

Also, the fact it’s made from recycled plastic is irrelevant to the design (which the customer was originally complaining about) since you can print anything onto a plastic card! The way none of the elements line up and things like the chip fit so badly against the design is such a shame.


Curve’s new card design on their free tier


Interesting, it has a notch!

I didn’t notice that at first from the real-life image they’d posted on their community.

Goodness. They are really making sure you are not signing up for curve just to get the card…


A work of art :flushed: …… what were they thinking?

I guess the quality of design matches the quality of (customer) service with them. At least they are consistent :joy:


I know they like to see themselves as disrupters - but surely not THAT disruptive. Makes me a tad queasy :flushed:

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Apparently the back of the card looks sick. Lemme look for it

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I think the front looks sickening too! :joy:


The front looks awful

Oh, that’s offensive to the word awful. I think poor old Awful deserves an apology!

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So everyone is not having it. Me neither. I was planning to downgrade, may be I will go to black

Perhaps wait and see how the redesigned Black card turns out before you do?

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Have they confirmed they are redesigning metal?

They’ve said they are redesigning all of their cards, it’s just the Curve Blue card that’s been done first.

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The only redesign I would want is if I can put a custom image/skin

Introducing the back of the card


I quite like that, with no signature line!