Tymit - Who uses it? What do you think?

I recently got Tymit (after first hearing about it on the Account feature matrix!). Initial impressions are good, and while initially, their app seems decent, I keep finding little glitches (iOS):

  • Every time I launch it (if asleep in the background) it triggered Face ID twice
  • Every time I launch it the Apple Pay screen automatically pops up twice and needs to be dismissed twice (not received the actual card yet and don’t want to add temp card to Apple Pay).
  • When I tap on a transaction, the screen opens with “empty” data, and then jarringly the real data suddenly appears.
  • If you change an item’s category from the “Bills” tab, the “Spending” tab still shows the old category until you next re-open the app.

I do also find it odd that the default screen upon tapping on a transaction is their “Payment plan” screen, rather than showing me the full details of the transaction. Although I get this is their USP that they want to surface.

It still ticks the most boxes for me though, so will see how the next few weeks go!