The change card limit just brings up options to contact customer service
Back in Birmingham tomorrow
You would think this would be enough but even when customers ignore these warnings and confirmation of payee! the ombudsman is still ruling for refunds. It’s why you will see Which? complain that banks are not refunding enough APP fraud while ironically ignoring why those refunds are being withheld, because customers believe the stranger on the phone over the bank staff they are dealing with.
I have just this week dealt with a banking member of staff in my own company fall for this, while ignoring the warnings. They felt the need to complain, intending to take it to the ombudsman.
Seeing as the physical Chase debit card will have a different card number, CVV etc to the details displayed in the app for online shopping, I wonder how you could buy National Rail tickets online for example and then collect them from a machine, since doing so requires the payment card used to be inserted upon collection. The only workaround to this I can think of would be using Apple Pay if the ticketing company supports it, since then any payment card is accepted at the self service collection machines.
Another potential fiddle: I know when I’ve ordered things from John Lewis for collection before they’ve required me to bring along the card that was used to make the purchase. Again, that’s not possible here since there’s no physical embodiment of the virtual card details that would’ve been used on their website.
It seems we’ll never actually be able to view the whole physical card number, only the last few digits by following the instructions in the screenshot above, so there’s no chance of using it for any online transactions.
Hmmm… the novel challenges of a numberless card! Surely some banks who’ve gone down this route make the physical card design numberless but still give you access to the actual hardcoded card details through the app, instead of two different sets of details?
It’s been a while since I travelled by train, but IIRC where you insert the same card you used to purchase the ticket it sometimes negates the need to key in the booking reference. Otherwise inserting a card just activated the machine prompting you for the reference. However I believe this is also dependent on how you booked your ticket online as that’s not always available (for example if you pay by Apple Pay online or in-app, the card PAN associated with your device is different to the actual PAN on the card).
Damn, Chase - just received an email and thought it was my code. It’s just more advertising stuff telling me to get ready for 1% cashback.
Hands up who’s checking every 5 minutes to see if the postman has been this morning?
(Sorry, @MikeZ)
I hope they’re worth waiting for
The FOMO is strong Topsy!
Absolutely not mate
I didn’t even get excited when I joined up with Starling and they do absolutely everything I require on an everyday personal banking level.
You do have to admit, part of the only reason why so many fintechers here and on the other forums are so ‘excited’ is purely because they want another card in the wallet, probably also because they’re kind of being seduced by the fact it’s an ‘American’ bank, can’t quite see the fascination myself. At the end of the day, the fact still stands, they’ve launched a bit of a half arsed affair without a complete suite of banking products from the off. As long as one is happy with that, then fair enough.
Don’t worry, I wasn’t intending to imply that you were experiencing FOMO, but rather that I was! I’ve already gathered how unexciting you find this from your bewilderment at my borderline hysteria
The card does look cool, and I suppose just as some others get enjoyment from other kinds of collectibles that I personally don’t understand the appeal of (stamps, antiques, nick-nacks etc) I get a bit of pleasure from seeing different card designs (and this will be the first numberless one I’ve ever seen in the flesh so that’ll be pretty interesting for me!). Aside from that, I do like playing about and exploring the different functionalities of the various banking apps. It’s a harmless and basically free side-hobby I suppose, although your 100% pragmatic attitude probably means you waste a lot less time than me fiddling with bank apps that you’ll never actually use once the novelty wears off!
And I think I fail to see that for some, you’re undoubtedly right, it’s a bit of a hobby for a lot of people.
I do find fintech interesting, otherwise as a bloke in my fifties, I wouldn’t have bothered my arse to become a Starling customer. I think though that most of my attitude probably is age related. As I’ve got older, I just don’t get excited by stuff anymore. I’m the sort of bloke that gets on a helicopter, jumps out, does a job and that’s it. I don’t get wrapped up in the ‘buzz’.
I’m sure Chase UK will appeal to a lot of people. Indeed, I’m not completely bumming the idea of trying it out myself, maybe a few months down the line when they’ve decided that folks do need direct debits, maybe cheque imaging and the likes. I do actually wish them luck.
No card deliveries yet I guess?
Congrats! Did you get the other email I inserted a screenshot of a few posts back? My worry is that it’s a holding email for those who they’re planning on not issuing codes to for a little while.
Yh got that this morning, was really confused as seemed like a clone of the original one. Just checked it came through at 10:34 am
Fingers crossed yours is soon
Ok, yep mine was 10.34am as well!
I have some large card payments (thousands of pounds) coming up and I’d really like to be able to get cashback on them, but I’ll need the physical card for that, so the sooner I’m in the sooner it can get in the post!
The postman has been! But no card…