Savings Accounts


You possibly misunderstand the difference between gross and AER figures.

4.41% gross, for monthly interest, is based on interest not compounding.

4.50% AER (Annual Equivalent Rate) is based on interest remaining in the account and compounding.

I ignore the gross rates mentioned in product spiel and focus on the AER, as it provides a more accurate comparison when including monthly interest option and annual interest option accounts, as I do not have my interest paid away.

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2 posts were split to a new topic: “Micro text” displaying in threads - an issue?

So with Chase now firmly behind most savings providers I’m looking to move my savings elsewhere that offers a better rate.

Currently Oxbury seems to be the one offering the highest % with the fewest conditions. Though, they have only been around since 2021 from what I can see, and with a business model based on British farming I am not confident how long they’ll be around.

There’s also Tandem with a fairly decent rate, but they don’t support Chase so I’d have to do a multi-step money shuffle with a low 5 figure sum. I wouldn’t want things getting caught in the AML machine.

Or there are the real big names like Marcus (or just staying put with Chase) but that means losing out on several Starbucks coffees worth of interest each year. Am I overthinking this?

I’ve been happy with Chip for the past few months (4.51%).

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Oh no I’m even less confident in them given that they don’t seem to hold deposits themselves. It’s like Revolut vaults, in theory your money is FSCS protected but I wouldn’t like to test that in practice.

I’m not all that concerned about Oxbury - they seem to be pretty profitable and if you had any issues you have your money back through FSCS

I’ve been with Ford Money now for just about a month, no complaints from me.

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When did you last try?

I know when I opened my Tandem account that Chase were not an option due to then not being part of Open Banking, however, they are now.

I haven’t tried since myself, as the four I currently have connected to Tandem are sufficient for my purposes.

You can transfer between Tandem and Chase no problem using faster payments.

Can you? It says if it’s not from a verified account it’ll bounce back, and the only way to verify an account I can see is open banking which doesn’t support Chase yet.

Yeah, strange one this.

Chase DO support Open Banking, however, they remain missing from the list of banks that Tandem offer for connection to :man_shrugging:

Tandem android app does not agree with this statement :man_shrugging:

You can add non open banking listed accounts as nominated accounts with Tandem by live chatting them - they may later ask for a statement by email. I had coop, Triodos, Kroo on there.

It certainly works for me on Android and has done for several months.

You can’t see the manual linked accounts anywhere other than on the withdrawal page though. That’s on the instant saver. Can’t see them at all on fixed. The tandem ui is grotesque :joy:

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Looking forward to today’s interest rates rise :+1: Judging by how quickly Ford Money (and some others) have been in raising their savings rates, it’s continued good news for savers.

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Yes. I heard yesterday that it’s likely the rises will continue to December.

It’s a proper strange environment at the moment. On the one hand, you’ve got people stating that there’s a cost of living crisis, everything costs too much and folks bleating that they’ve got no money and yet, the airports are rammed with holidaymakers, my seaside town is rammed with tourists. So, just where are people getting their dosh from :face_with_monocle:


Either holidays they’ve paid for months if not years in advance; or people have no money but decide to eke out that tiny bit of cash to bring some joy to their otherwise miserable existence? You can’t expect people to just work and do chores and die.